It’s been two years since nine innocent church members were gunned down in a racially motivated attack at a Charleston church.
The story may have disappeared from the news, but the families of the victims are still faced with the enormous loss and grief of losing their loved ones in such senseless way.
But through talent and sheer determination it has emerged that the son of one of the victims has been drafted to play baseball for the Chicago Cubs.

Chris Singleton was drafted in the 19th round by the World Series Champion team on Wednesday.
His mother Rev. Sharonda Coleman-Singleton and eight others were shot dead at a bible study in Charleston’s Emanuel AME Church.
Saturday marked two years since white supremacist Dylann Roof shot and killed Chris mother.
Chris is a Charleston Southern University junior. The center fielder started in all 51 games this season, stealing an impressive 18 bases and getting 10 assists, the University told CNN.
Rev. Sharonda was a 45-year-old minister on staff at the Emanuel AME Church.
Roof reportedly sat with the weekly bible study group for an hour before he opened fire.
He told authorities that he almost didn’t kill the congregation that day because everyone was so nice to him.
After his mother’s death Chris described her as ‘a God-fearing woman who loved everybody with all her heart.’
After it was confirmed he was playing for the Chicago Cubs, Singleton shared the exciting news on social media.
He wrote the message: ‘You already know who this is for… #CantLetMomsDown’
He will have the opportunity to sign the the Cubs and be assigned to a minor league team, but can also return to Charleston Southern for his final season, if he chooses.
The Cub’s Senior Vice President of scouting and player development Jason McLeod said Singleton was drafted because of his talented.
‘We certainly understand and have deep sympathy for his backstory, but what I want to make sure doesn’t get lost is that this guy’s a really good baseball player,’ he told CNN.
McLeod also described Singleton as mature, and said the team is looking forward to bringing him onto the team.
Dylann Roof was sentenced to death in January after being previously convicted on 33 federal charges including murder, hate crimes and obstruction of religion.
The same jury that convicted him of those charges decided to sentence him to death for the crime.
His mother would be so proud. Congratulations Chris!