
Common Mental Health Problems and How to Deal With it

Thankfully over time, global participation in mental awareness and acceptance has significantly increased. Mental health problems may result when you have trouble coordinating your behaviors, stability, cognitive, and even emotional wellness. Thankfully, you can manage the condition and grain control of your life. 


When you have anxiety, you may also develop constant bouts of a panic attack. You become increasingly aware of threats in your surroundings, even when they are insignificant or not there. As a result, you may avoid the triggers that make you feel like that, even when affecting your life. 

You may also become restless and have difficulty concentrating on a task for too long. In some cases, you may also become excessively anxious even when you have no apparent triggers. 

Bipolar Disorder 

Bipolar has a common sign at all times, sudden and unexplained mood phases. In one instance, you could be happy and joyful going about your everyday life. Then you change. You become cranky, angry, and moody, with no motivation to do any task. 


Depression manifests itself in several ways. You may lose interest in activities you once loved. You may also become always sad and moody, even when those around you are in good spirits. When it gets worse, you may feel the constant need to inflict self-harm, which is detrimental to your health. 

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) 

When you have an obsessive-compulsive disorder, it often manifests as a strong urge you can’t control. The thoughts become constant, and you find yourself with everyday repetitive actions. While cleanliness is paramount for our well-being, you may find yourself overdoing it. 

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Perhaps, you were at the center of a significant life-changing event. It could be war, accident, or even a physical assault that has a firm aggravation in your mind. It will result in the constant fear that there is a similar possibility, even looming over your life. 

More often than not, you may feel you have no control over saving you or those close to you should such a scenario happen. 


Schizophrenia is a condition that inhibits the mental grasp and procession of information. Therefore, you may find yourself with constant hallucinations of scenarios that couldn’t possibly happen. It is also common to feel delusional. On the other hand, you may also become withdrawn from your family and friends, and even your routine life.

You may tend always to seclude yourself and develop a foul mood all the time. The good news is that you can take charge of your mental health and observe personal growth in all aspects through the ways below for all mental health illnesses.


It is advisable to seek professional treatment anytime you feel the onset of the above conditions.

Never hesitate to reach out to ask for help when the need arises. Like CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), you can channel your mind to your present surroundings and control your moods and actions. Ideally, mind control of your behavior will get you started on the right path. 

Whether you have panic attacks, OCD, PTSD, and even ADD, cognitive behavioral therapy is ideal for you. 

Group Support 

Group support plays an instrumental role in your recovery journey on mental health. It helps you interact with other people going through the same journey and hope to get things better. Additionally, they will also help you implement strategies for overcoming the condition and how to learn about your everyday life. 

Group support also reminds you that you are not alone. Additionally, you can also hold awareness campaigns to sensitize other people on what to watch out for if they have the same condition. You can also inform the public on how to help their loved ones going through the same.


With mental conditions, control of the mind is very crucial. Therefore, should one experience the attack, one can practice mindful meditation by gaining control of your current state. You can breathe in, hold your breath, and then breathe out. Repeat the cycle to send signals to your brain receptors that there is no harm around you, and you are on the right track. 

Employ 5 Senses Tactic 

Common Mental Health Problems and How to Deal With it

Another helpful tactic to regain your mind control is to integrate your five senses simultaneously. For instance, let’s see a scenario where you have a panic attack when you encounter your trigger. At that moment, it is ideal to use your five senses to help your mind relax and avoid an attack. It can involve the slow and careful look in your environment through different objects. You can see the cat purring next to the sofa; that’s your sight enhancement. You can hear your favorite TV show is on, to show your hearing sense is in the current state. 

Additionally, you can also feel the smell of your favorite cake baking in the oven. Sit down, take a slow and sensual hug around yourself, and feel your back and remind yourself everything is okay. Then take a bite of your food and feel every bit of it.

Written by George K.

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