
How Do I Make A Clickable Link In Tiktok?

There are frequent reports these days on the success of such major platforms as Youtube or Facebook. Some people are saying they have had their day and are less popular with the public.

When it comes to social media, there is no doubt that TikTok is the one to watch. Therefore, the tendency to buy TikTok likes for a more prominent presence is more popular than ever. It began as a musical lip-syncing app and developed into a platform on which to publish short videos ranging from 20 to 60 seconds. The beauty is that TikTok is designed for anyone to record videos using their own phones and the video options provided within the app. This makes it as accessible as it is addictive. It’s also possible to create your own videos and then import them. Various free video editing software can also be used to improve the video quality. 

Many people are happy with Tiktok as it stands, but others want more options, including the power to include a clickable URL within their profile page. That’s what this article is all about. 

That Elusive Link

It is currently not possible to include a link in one’s story. Before 2020, no one had a clickable URL link in their bio page on TikTok. No matter how big or successful companies were, they were unable to have this option to promote their products effectively without visiting the best place to buy bot TikTok followers first. Other people were unable to display affiliate links. This is where people advertise someone else’s products so they can receive a share of the sale proceeds. They do this by displaying a special website affiliate link. As we have said, there was a change in February 2020. On deciding to read more here, people can learn from the experts that from this date anyone with more than one thousand followers was given the ability to add a clickable website link.  It’s interesting to learn that whilst only one link is granted, there is a workaround for people wanting to push several websites at a time. This particularly applies to businesses. Link Bio URLs are basically pages that show a catalog of all the different links a person or company has. Interested people, therefore, click on one link but will then see several displayed, including helpful information. 

New possibilities present themselves when the Link Bio page is accessed. There may be links to product pages, be they on your website or on Amazon. There may be subscription pages or opportunities to gain freebies. Blog pages or video collections might also be seen to pique the visitor’s curiosity and provide helpful information. The idea is to create a fusion of customer experience and sales opportunities. 

How to Check for a Clickable Link

It may be that eventually, everyone will be able to add such a link, just as one can with Instagram. It may currently be a case of discovering where one is in terms of the rollout timetable. Android users may have more success than iPhone users. 

One has to check the profile page as one does with Instagram. Once you’re in Tiktok, select ‘edit profile’. There may then be the option to select ‘add a website’ if it appears in the bio page. (It’s not possible by going to the TikTok website and doing it from there). If the website option exists it can then be selected. While this is being done, there’s no need to enter ‘http’ etc first. Simply Type www. Then enter the rest of your web page.

If no such option appears, all one can do is write the website link at the top of the written bio section so it can be easily seen. This link will not be clickable, so there’s nothing one can do until there’s over a thousand followers or a TikTok update. Some people buy fake followers for rapid recognition. We urge you, don’t purchase fake followers as it may harm your account. At least people can see the website information displayed if they want to pursue it. In reality, however, people rarely like to go further if the process is not achieved with a single click. 

In the future, it is estimated that companies and brands will have a strong presence on Tiktok. They will create viral content to increase their influence and presence on social media. The more effective the URL link, the more business can be created. Link Bio URLs can certainly assist this process. 

The goal has always been for businesses to drive traffic to their websites. Clickable links in Tiktok will help aid this process. This marketing tool can then be placed alongside similar links in blogs, videos, and other social media platforms to generate business. Anyone with insufficient followers will need to wait, however. Unfortunately, it is harder to grow one’s following by degrees as with Facebook or Instagram. A lot hinges on the Tiktok algorithm and the ability to create a viral post.

Written by George K.

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