
How To Take Care of Your Portable Generator

Portable generators are a lifesaver at times of need. Especially in adverse weather conditions, if there’s one thing you can simply look up to- that’s your handy, portable generators. 

However, when not in constant use, the generators may malfunction. Although, malfunctions can be prevented if the generator is well taken care of. In this article, we’ll be elaborating on every step you can opt for to make sure your generator works smoothly when required. 

Without further ado, let’s start!

Taking Care Of Your Portable Generator

1.Read The Manual

Every generator is unique and has features fit’s own which need to be taken care of. However, many people tend to assume they know everything about portable generators just because they’ve used one before. 

We definitely recommend you to read the manual thoroughly to know if there’s something you should avoid doing, The manual is the holy book for your machinery, so keep that in mind before you take any major step in regards to your portable generator. 

Definitely read your manual when your generator is not in use. Because, when the lights are out, you’ll be having a hard time figuring out the controls of the system if you don’t know about it already.

  1. Clean your generator:

Cleanliness is a virtue. Fortunately, it applies very promptly to the lifespan of your generators. When you store your generator in your attic or someplace dark, it can easily get dirty. Dust inside the generators can potentially ruin the machine from working smoothly. 

On the other hand, when the generator isn’t in use it can be a big manifestation area for insects. Hence, make sure to clean your generator thoroughly after using it. Don’t forget to wrap it up completely with a piece of cloth or put it in a cardboard box.

You can also find generator covers in local departmental stores. The covers are handcrafted for the utmost protection of your generator from debris and adverse weather effects when it’s unused for a while. They’re pretty cheap, hence, pricing won’t be an issue.

If you use a generator cover, make sure to let your generator cool before you give it a head start. Your generator can build up heat from being inside the bg for too long, which needs to be released before usage. 

  1. Drain The Gas Tank

This is one of the most notable points when it comes to taking care of your portable generator when it’s sitting idly. 

Most people tend to forget about it. Excessive gas in your generator when it’s idle can result in your generator producing sticky oil gums along the sides inside the tank. The gum deposits eventually become hard and sticky, reducing the fuel capacity of your tank. 

We definitely recommend you remove the excessive oil when it’s not in use and store it in a gas gallon for the next usage. In this way, you won’t have to worry about obstructed performance from your generator’s end for its gummy oil tank.

  1. Maintain A Schedule 

When you have a maintenance schedule for your machinery, it’s a lot easier to keep it on track without having any malfunctioning. Like any other electrical equipment, your portable generator needs scheduled maintenance. 

Most of the information regarding the schedule of the oil change, sparks, and more can be found in your generator’s manual. Hence, it’s extremely importantyou stick to a manual for proper maintenance. 

  1. Keep Monitoring Your Generator

You’ll want to be sure when using your generator that it can handle the voltage you are planning to use. Not all portable generators are the same, so you may need to review the marking or manual on your portable generator to decide its wattage level.

The voltage is an extremely crucial part to look for when you’re looking out for the maintenance of your generator. Ifthe voltage fluctuates, the machine may give you tough time in operating.

  1. Never Run Out of Fuel:

One of the rather importantthings todo is to never run out of fuel completely. Althpugh it might not be mentioned in your manual, but it’s extremely bad for your generator to run out of fuel. 

Your portable generator might burn the insides of your generator completely, resulting in an abrupt shutting down. 

Hence, always keep your fuel in check. We suggest to always keep the fuellevel more than half of it’s capacity to avoid unwanted circumstances.

  1. Store In A Dry Place:

It’s very important for you to store your generator somewhere safe fromthe adverseconditionsof the weather. You have to keep the machine dry from snow, rain, flood and every other calamity. An ideal environment for your portable generators such as the 12kw portable generator should have adequate air supply from all four sides of the generator. 

It should be well ventilated and away from the reach of children. Taking care of your generator should be your number one concern after bringing it home to keep it from malfunctioning. 

  1. Know the Watts

Each system needs a certain wattage to operate, and each generator has a rated wattage cap. It is crucial to measure the total wattage load, otherwise you will do irreversible harm, and to ensure it is within what your generator can accommodate.

  1. Load Up

Like your vehicle, the starting battery of your generator will die if it sleeps too long. If you’re not in normal usage, aim to operate your generator every three months for around a half hour. This means that it begins when you need it.

  1. Backfeeding prohibition

There is a risky (and illicit) generator system named “backfeeding,” in which people link the generator with a male to male power cord through a normal socket to power the whole household. It will destroy the generator irreparably, but worse, it can spark a serious fire.


Therefore, we hope you’ve liked reading our article as much as we liked writing about taking care of your generator. Taking care of your portable generator properly will definitely buy you a few good years for its lifespan. 

You definitely won’t have to worry about malfunctioning generators when you look after it by yourself. 

Written by George K.

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