According to scientists, there are at least 70 types of rodent-borne diseases. Many of these, such as salmonellosis and leptospirosis, can spread through mice. They can also indirectly transmit illnesses like tick fever and Lyme disease.
In fact, researchers say that 40% to 90% of white-footed mice carry ticks that can cause Lyme disease. This bacterial infection is very treatable, so long as diagnosed and treated early. However, delayed treatment can result in fatal complications.
To that end, we’ve created this guide to answer the question, “how do I prevent mice from entering my garage?” After all, if you keep them out of your garage, you can minimize the risks of getting exposed to their hazards.
Why Should I Keep Mice Out of My Garage?
Aside from Lyme disease, mice can also spread hantaviruses to humans. Exposure to these viruses, in turn, can result in Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS). As of January 2017, 728 cases of reported hantavirus infections have occurred in the US.
Other direct mice-induced diseases are plagues and rat-bite fever. Indirect diseases include encephalitis, typhoid fever, and even the West Nile virus.
The potential to get sick is just one of the reasons you want to keep mice out of your garage, though. Here are other reasons to make your home mice-free.
They Cause a Lot of Property Damage
Mice can cause significant damage to the structural components of your home. For example, they can gnaw, chew, and burrow in your furniture. They can also chew through paper, wood, and other organic materials. Worse, their teeth are strong enough to destroy electrical wire insulation.
The thing is, chewed-on wire insulation can put your home at risk of a fire. Researchers say that rodents, such as mice, are behind 20% of undetermined fires in the US.
Even if a fire doesn’t break out at home, mice can still destroy floors, ceilings, and walls at home. They can make holes in your garage’s baseboards and use that as their hiding place. They can also produce their offspring inside these areas.
Mice Feed on (and Contaminate) Your Food
Each year, rodents, including mice, cause at least $19 million in damages to stored grains in the US. Mice particularly like to eat barley, maize, oats, and wheat.
However, mice like to feed on almost anything you eat, such as fruits, seeds, plants, and meat. They will eat whatever food they can find in your home. So, if you store food and other edible items in your garage, you can rest assure that mice would feed on those too.
Mice Can Attract Other Rodents
According to this guide on pest control Eagle ID services, you can have more than one kind of rodent at home. Meaning, you can be sharing your home not just with house mice but also with roof rats and Norway rats.
One reason that you can have multiple rodent species at home is that rats feed on mice. So, once mice get into your home, it’s possible for the bigger rodents to follow them.
Worst, all these species carry, transmit, and spread many of the diseases listed above. That’s why you’d want to prevent any kind of rodent from infesting your home.
Dead Mice Can Lead to Other Pests Invading Your Home
Aside from rodents, mice can also attract cockroaches, beetles, as well as flesh and bow flies. This is true for dead mice, the flesh of which serves as a form of carrion. So, when mice die in your garage or home, their decaying bodies can attract “scavengers” to your home.
So, How Do I Prevent Mice From Entering My Garage?
Mice like to make themselves as “scarce” as possible to human and animal sight. That’s why they love to hide in containers like boxes, as well as crevices and the areas behind materials. As such, one of the best ways to keep mice out of your garage is to make it as clean and clear of possible hiding places.
Start by removing all the unused boxes and containers you have in the garage. You should also throw out old furniture, especially sofas and chairs. Mice can gnaw, make holes, live, and even give birth inside these items.
After de-cluttering your garage, you can then do the following to make it even more mice-proof.
Seal Off Cracks, Gaps, and Holes
Inspect all the walls, ceilings, and flooring of your garage for cracks, gaps, or holes. Then, seal these up using either patching compounds or replacement wood and caulk. Do note that mice can squeeze through cracks that are as small as the size of a nickel.
Replace Damaged Windows and Install Screens
Mice (and other pests) can also make their way past tiny cracks or gaps in old, damaged windows. So, make sure to get those creaky, drafty windows fixed or replaced.
It’s also best to install window screens to keep various pests out of your garage. At the same time, having these screens gives you the chance to open the windows and air out the garage.
Keep Your Garage Door Well-Maintained
If your garage doesn’t close fully, have that repaired right away. Otherwise, mice and other pests can make their way into your garage. Moreover, burglars and thieves can use this as an opportunity to invade your home.
Cut Tree Branches Near Your Garage’s Roof
Mice are incredibly nimble, so they can maneuver around all sorts of deterrents. They can also use their small size and agility to climb trees. They can then use tree branches as a way to get to the roof of your garage.
From the roof, mice make their way into your garage through holes, cracks, or gaps.
That’s why you should keep trees around your home spruced and well-maintained. As soon as they get a little too near the garage roof, cut those overhanging branches. This way, mice (and rats) can’t leap off of the tree onto your garage roof.
Maintain Your Landscaping
Mice like to burrow in areas covered with foliage and weeds. So, if your lawn has a lot of these overgrown plants, it can attract mice. From there, the little critters can enter your garage to find food.
Mice can also climb up ivy vines growing along the side of your garage (or house). Remove these crawling plants as soon as you notice them creeping on your exterior walls.
Rodents, including mice and rats, also like to feed on fruit, even the rotting ones. So, if you have fruit trees on your property, be sure to clean up all the fruits they drop.
Speaking of trees, mice can also make their nests in tree trunks, so be sure to inspect the trees around your home too. If you do find mice nests in them, contact a pest removal service right away. Otherwise, they can leave the nest and make their way into your garage and home.
Store Food in Tight Containers
If you store food (such as pet food) in your garage, place them inside metal storage containers. Although mice can still chew on these, they are hardier than wood or plastic containers. Metal won’t develop holes as quickly, making them a better choice.
Use Metal Trash Bins With Secure Lids
Secure covers on metal trash bins help prevent pests from getting attracted to your home. You can also place a heavy object on top of the lid to further weigh it down. However, you should position your trash bins as far away from your home or garage as possible.
Calling a Professional for Mice Removal
If you’ve already seen mice in your garage, chances are they’re also in your home itself. In this case, it’s best to get in touch with pest control professionals. The sooner you do, the sooner the experts can remove the rodents invading your home.
You should also call mice removal experts if you hear scratching noises within the walls. You may also hear these sounds up on the ceiling or possibly even beneath the floor. In such cases, professional pest removal may already be in order.
Pest experts can also help by giving you advice on how to prevent future infestations. For instance, they can inspect your property and tell you how the rodents are entering your house. They can then either point you to the right professional, or they can also seal off your house themselves.
Plus, a pest control professional can detect signs of other pests you may have at home. It is, after all, very common to have more than just one kind of vermin infestation. As mentioned above, live mice can attract rats, while dead mice can attract scavengers.
Keep Mice (and Other Pests) Out of Your Garage With These Tips
There you have it, the guide that answers your question, “how do I prevent mice from entering my garage?” Now that you know, it’s best to start following these tips as soon as possible. This way, you can mice-proof not only your garage but your entire home too.
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