A hangover can be tough on an adults body, I mean sure last night was great but in the morning your entire body is asking you “Yeah we had fun but at what cost, Jeff?” well don’t worry we have ways to ease through a hangover so that you don’t have to think twice before doing shots with your best friend.
Ways To Cure Hangover

Let’s start with discussing what is a hangover and why we get it. It’s a phenomenon of our body reacting to the access of alcohol content. What alcohol essentially does is that it dehydrates the body resulting in headache, nausea, lethargy as well as a general feeling of fatigue, weakness, sensitivity to sound and light, and other little things that give you a teaser of hell.
Keep in mind that all bodies react differently to hangovers so the remedies will also work differently, you have to know what will work for your body and take it from there. A simple way of doing this is to know which one of your friends has a similar metabolism as you, if a said hangover remedy has worked for them it might also work for you. Let’s dig into the solutions-
1. Get Sleep

Your body is exhausted and if you feel hungover you might need to stay in bed for as long as you can. Give it ample time to recover, sleep a few extra hours. Lack of sleep is not a cause of hangover however it does make your hangover worse. When your body is done processing the alcohol you would naturally want to go to sleep and one mustn’t fight that, staying awake is only going to make it worse. Cancel that meeting and stay in bed, this is not the easiest way but sure as hell a way that might help you the most.
2. Big Breakfast

Alcohol is known to lower your blood sugar, you might be feeling dizzy because of that. The way to combat that is to have a big breakfast that is rich in carbohydrates. Some buttery toast with bacon and cheese is sure to give your body the energy boost it needs. You can also add some fruit to your diet and maybe add a type of fresh juice to get you off your feet. If you do the first two steps in order then a hangover is sure to leave your body in no time.
3. Drink More

I know your whole body is recoiling at the mention of alcohol but this one is called ‘Hair of the dog’ and it happens to be one of the oldest tricks in the book. The reason why it’s effective is that the effect you have had from your last few drinks is relieved by the one you have in the morning. Sounds unlikely? I know but it does work. It’s called ‘Hair of the dog’ due to old folklore saying that a dog bite can be cured if you cover it with the hair taken from the dog that bit you.
4. Hydrate

This happens to be the easiest way to get rid of a hangover, as the discussed earlier hangover is known to dehydrate your body. The more water you drink the weaker the hangover gets. Of course, this single ingredient for a hangover is quite a simple theory but it is a battle to keep drinking water when all you want to do is lie in bed and be anxious. You can also reduce the chances of getting a hangover in the first place by consuming enough water after you are done drinking at night.
There are ways to completely avoid hangovers, if you eat well, drink enough water and avoid mixing your drinks, and/or avoiding dark-colored alcohol then you can be the life of the party without wanting to have a do-over of last night, However maintaining all these rules for just a fun night also doesn’t sound like the smartest thing to do. Drinking in moderation seems like the best way to go about it and in case you can, remember to sleep and rest well and follow your sweet sleep with a big breakfast and tons and tons of water. Again, party hard but party safe.