
What is the importance of sick leave in preventing the spread of the Coronavirus?

To prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, paid sick leave  should  continue  performing  a significant role in containing and mitigating its spread. Additionally, it also works on protecting the incomes, jobs and health of sick workers and their families. Moving forward, countries should consider closing long-known gaps in paid sick-leave regulations while reinforcing work incentives and employment support to facilitate a return to work. With massive changes like these, they would incentivise people to get themselves tested. Without this system in place, they would   prefer working cause turning in sick might imply not getting paid leave, or missing out on their job in one of the worst recessions yet.

Additionally, with the number of people losing their jobs, it seems that Britain could enter one of the worse recessions in the last three centuries which is one of the reasons why their   Government is planning on opening the economy and encouraging people to begin spending. They are hoping that they would start supporting smaller businesses like restaurants and bars. While this step did not get the desired result that it was looking for, there were a few people who did come out to support the cause. The main issue was that the first round of the pandemic was not handled very well with very high numbers of people who were sick. The healthcare system was not equipped to take care of the numbers they saw in the UK, and there was nothing much anyone could do.

According to the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR), they predicted earlier this week that around 15% of people furloughed would lose their jobs when the Government scheme ends, which is supposed to happen in October if the second wave of infections hits the UK. These changes would cause more job losses which are not ideal in an already struggling economy.

To prevent a recession, businesses that can are trying to open up through remote working   facilities for their employees. These changes have most companies starting their work without having the same numbers of people coming into their offices but completing their work, remotely. These changes are not easy to work around for older businesses, but they are getting through as

best as they can. While many businesses depending on personal meetings and interactions might have to hit the brakes for a bit.

Employers have also begun conducting background checks on the people working within their company. Not all jobs allow all types of people to work there. Some of them need to be sure that the person working does not have a criminal record. The best to get this done is a DBS check  that not only provides their background information and criminal record but provides employers

with any information they may need to determine if they can hire someone. Additionally, the DBS  can only be handled by employers for potential employees or employees already working with them.

Written by George K.

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