
What You Should Know About the Importance of Testosterone

Most people take their health for granted, and it’s only when something goes wrong that they realize it. One thing men rarely think about is their testosterone levels. It’s often only when they experience physical symptoms that they consider them.

Testosterone is essentially a sex hormone, and it’s responsible for many of the attributes we would describe as being ‘manly.’ We will now go into greater detail about this important steroid hormone. 

Some People Require Increased Levels

We will shortly discuss the different aspects of mens’ health that are enhanced by testosterone, and talk about what happens when the levels become low. Some people go to the doctors when they experience physical symptoms. A basic blood test would be able to identify if the testosterone levels are reduced. 

In some cases, the patient would be recommended for testosterone replacement therapy. They could take their medication by patches, gels, or injections. It’s the latter method that proves most effective. 

People Sometimes Take Supplements 

Some folk take herbal supplements as an alternative way of addressing the issue. They seek to boost their testosterone levels using natural ingredients including zinc, magnesium, fenugreek, D-aspartic Acid (D-AA), or ashwagandha. A visit to a supplement website like demonstrates that people are willing to see the different products side by side to compare prices and to read customer reviews before purchasing. People are able to obtain their supplements in pill, caplet, capsule, or powder form. 

It Has Sexual Implications

It’s testosterone that’s involved in the development of the testes and penis. Added to that are things associated with adolescence, such as when a person’s voice breaks (deepens) or when they develop pubic hair. 

Testosterone levels affect the sex drive, and this is often how an issue is first discovered. A person may be feeling constantly tired and have a low libido. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is also a symptom. The individual could also have issues with their sperm production (ie develop a low sperm count) resulting in infertility. A smaller penis size could develop alongside shrunken and softened testes. 

It Affects Strength, Bone Growth And Muscle Size

All these things rely on a man having healthy levels of testosterone. If there is a deficit a person may lose muscle mass and be unable to regain it quickly and develop osteoporosis, a medical condition that people with low testosterone can fall prey to. They experience low bone density and risk having fractures. 

It Influences The Metabolism

When someone has a fast metabolic rate, they find it easier to lose weight and stay slim. 

Testosterone helps people to burn (metabolize) fat, so people are likely to put on weight if their levels become low. 

Peoples’ Moods Are Affected By It

What You Should Know About the Importance of Testosterone

Some men are highly competitive and enjoy taking risks. They may have dominant personalities, be aggressive, and want to always be in control. These characteristics are all testosterone-related. 

If someone has high levels of this hormone, it can help them fight depression. They’ll enjoy a sense of wellbeing, and be self-confident. Sadly the opposite is also true. The person could experience mood swings and feel stressed. They may become oversensitive, anxious, or depressed. Insomnia and fatigue may result from this. 

A man’s testosterone levels will also have a bearing on their cognitive abilities. If a person’s memory declines, this could be a tell-tale sign. 

It Has Implications For Other Diseases

More research is required in this area, but it appears that testosterone is able to strengthen the heart. If the levels are low, there is more chance of someone developing cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s, and many other serious health conditions. With levels naturally change over time, starting when a man hits his thirties. The next milestone would be the age range between 40 and 65. One-fifth of people over the age of 60 develop low levels of testosterone, rising to 3 in 10 people in their 70s and 80s. 

Our lifestyles can contribute to these results, however. If a person is obese they won’t be in such a good position as someone who maintains a healthy diet and takes regular exercise. People also put themself at a disadvantage if they stick to low-calorie diets and excessive fasting. 

As we have discovered, testosterone is an integral element of a man’s mental wellbeing and physical health. Whilst people address low levels by receiving medical help or taking supplements, it’s important to do this as part of a healthy lifestyle. 

Written by George K.

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