
Why Deforestation Can Actually Be Good For the Environment

Thinking of deforestation, usually spurs images of trees cut down by the millions, climate change, and ravaged natural habitats, all of which are caused by profit-seekers who couldn’t care less about the environment. While that’s certainly true in part, opponents of deforestation forget one essential reality, and it’s that without it, our modern lives just wouldn’t be the same. Humanity has cut down trees since time immemorial to get warm, build houses, manufacture tools, agriculture, and more. And with the world’s population booming, the demand for wood-based products and related activities has never been higher. 

In the following article, we flip the coin and look at some of the benefits of responsible and regulated deforestation.

Essential Source of Materials

Wood produces all sorts of derivatives that we use in our daily lives, directly or indirectly. A quick look around your house will have you realize just how much we depend on this prized resource. Whether it’s the lumber used for construction, the wood to make furniture or burn in our chimneys, manufacture toothpicks, tissues, paper, oils, waxes, and much more, we rely on trees for a great number of things. Provided that wood harvesting is conducted reasonably and with respect for the ecosystem, deforestation is a vital fuel that society simply cannot do without.

Facilitates Industrialization

Also, by cutting down trees and using them for production, we free up valuable land and space to build factories, manufacturing plants, public and private infrastructure, and the like. In other words, this allows countries and local communities to develop their potential and industrialize, which in turn, contributes to the economy in very positive and productive ways.

Creates Jobs and Sustains Economic Livelihood

Clearing forests not only requires land and machinery, but also intensive labor power. In many parts of the world, this provides a great opportunity to put people and families to work and allow them to make a decent living. Especially in disadvantaged communities, trees are often the only potential source of income for the locals. Therefore, it stands to reason that limiting or outlawing deforestation altogether could have devastating effects on the hundreds of millions of people who exploit the trees to survive for a living.

Contributes to Urbanization

As mentioned, the planet’s population is rising steadily thanks to technological advancements and overall better standards of living. And while 2 out of 3 inhabitants are expected to live in cities by the year 2050, deforestation helps rural and remote areas to urbanize and benefit from the same amenities as metropolises. Clearing trees allow a path to build highways and other essential communication routes; it also replaces wild forests to leave room for hospitals, schools, shops, public service centers, and more. This can be a great boost to bring in remote communities into the national fold.

Helps Develop Agriculture

This is often taken for granted by the average consumer, but we all rely on agriculture and farming to feed and sustain ourselves and our families. Nowadays, it is estimated that almost 70% of all deforestation occurs as a result of these vital activities. The cleared land enables farmers to cultivate crops, produce foodstuffs, raise livestock, and provide for their families at the same time.

Creates Exploration Opportunities

Discovery is perhaps the least known benefit of deforestation. Seeing as forests are some of the most diverse natural biomes, they’re an ideal place to learn about the world, discover new places, characteristics, and even species. As a matter of fact, much of today’s discoveries wouldn’t have been possible without cutting down a good number of trees. For those in North America interested in undertaking logging activities as well as some natural exploration, we recommend you to click here where you can find essential gear, such as quality ropes, cutting tools, and everything an arborist enthusiast needs to stay safe while doing their jobs. Cutting down trees can lead to serious injuries if not done carefully, so be sure to always take the necessary precautions before you proceed.

Source of Income for State Spending

Last but not least, it’s no secret that the wood and lumber industries generate tremendous turnovers every year. These gains and profits are consistently subject to taxation, which grants governments much-needed income to finance education, health, social security, green transitions, and so on. As such, putting a stop to these activities is bound to induce financial losses and cause budgeting issues down the line.

Why Deforestation Can Actually Be Good For the Environment

Ultimately, before condemning corporate giants and their ecocidal practices, it’s important to remember that the wood we harvest from trees is one of the most prized and versatile materials we have. It is true that many things are yet to be done to limit illegal and excessive deforestation, but in the end, for lack of a better alternative, deforestation is one of the most viable ways we can ensure the continuity of our economies and societies.

Written by Jordan

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