
Why Stress Affects Your Oral Health

If you’re feeling stressed, it’s easy to neglect your dental health. However, stress can actually have a surprising positive effect on oral health if you take good care of your mouth. In this article, we’ll cover why your teeth are affected by stress and how to keep them healthy during times of high anxiety.

Stress can have a negative effect on your oral health in several ways. For example, when you’re stressed, it’s common to grind your teeth. When you clench or grind your teeth, tiny cracks form in the enamel and root surfaces of teeth. The more you grind and clench, the more damage is done to those areas of your teeth.

When stress levels are high, many people will also develop a habit of chewing their nails or picking their skin—something that can leave unsightly scars on the fingers or hands if not stopped right away. These behaviors can cause bad breath as well as contribute to dry mouth and tooth decay over time due to increased plaque buildup around the nails and fingers (and sometimes even under them).

Stress also affects appetite; it’s common for people who are stressed out by work or other life circumstances to overeat junk food instead of healthier options like fruits and vegetables because they don’t have time/energy/money left over after taking care of all their responsibilities at once! This is especially common when someone isn’t getting enough sleep due too much work stress too late into night hours during weekdays plus weekends too long days during holidays weekend breaks between semesters when school starts again midterms finals weeks end semester finals

Increased Oral Health Problems Can Cause Further Anxiety

As you know, stress causes people to develop nervous habits and tics. It also increases blood pressure and heart rate, which can actually make gingivitis worse in people who already have it. Periodontal disease is linked to heart disease and diabetes, two of the most common chronic conditions in adults today. In fact, those who suffer from depression or anxiety are more likely to report having dental problems than people without mental health issues.

And don’t forget that stress can be contagious: if you or someone else is experiencing it (or dealing with a stressful situation) at home or work—and you’re around each other every day—it’s inevitable that both people will feel affected by it!

How to Reduce Stress

There are a number of simple steps you can take to reduce stress in your life. Exercise, meditation and eating a healthy diet all help lower cortisol levels (the hormone that controls stress) and keep you feeling good. Getting enough sleep is also important because it allows the body to heal naturally from any daily stresses. If you’re having trouble sleeping, try taking a warm bath before bed or listening to calming music while winding down with some reading or television.

Stressed? A Guide to Caring for Your Mouth

The first step to caring for your mouth and body is to get started with a solid, daily oral hygiene routine. Here are some ways you can do that:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day using a soft-bristled brush and fluoride toothpaste. Be sure to gently brush the inside of your cheeks as well!
  • Floss before bedtime (or at least once per day), and use an interdental cleaner to clean between teeth if you have tight spaces around them.
  • Eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins like fish or beans, low-fat dairy products like milk or yogurt—and don’t forget water! It’s best not to drink soda or sugary beverages because they’re linked with caries development later in life; stick with water instead!

Also, consider visiting a dental office in Mississauga to get more pieces of advice for your dental health.

Moderate stress levels may have a positive effect on your oral health.

Moderate stress levels may have a positive effect on your oral health.

Researchers found that moderate levels of stress were associated with fewer cavities, while higher or lower stress levels had adverse effects on dental health. Researchers noted that people who reported experiencing more stress had more decay than those who didn’t report feeling as stressed.


If you’re feeling stressed, here are some easy ways to take care of yourself.

Written by Mia

Hey Everyone! This is Mia Shannon from Taxes. I'm 28 years old a professional blogger and writer. I've been blogging and writing for 10 years. Here I talk about various topics such as Fashion, Beauty, Health & Fitness, Lifestyle, and Home Hacks, etc. Read my latest stories.

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