Black is beautiful and comes in all shades.
South Sudanese model Nyakim Gatwech is truly the epitome of this.
Her moonshine dark skin has now taken the internet by storm, thus earning her the title “Queen Of Dark.”
Nyakim embraces her dark skin and is prepared to shut down anyone who has anything negative to say about it.
Just recently a crass Uber driver decided it was his job to ask if she would consider bleaching her gorgeous dark skin.

“I was [asked by] my Uber driver the other day, he said, ‘Don’t take this offensive but if you were given 10 thousand dollars would you bleach your skin for that amount?'” the goddess wrote on Instagram in late March.

“I couldn’t even respond I started laughing so hard.”
“[Then] he said, ‘So that a no’ and I was like hell to the f*king yeah [that’s] no.”

“Why on earth would I ever bleach this beautiful melanin God [blessed] me with,” she added.
“[Then] he said ‘so you look at it as a blessing?”
“You won’t believe the kind of questions I get and the kind of looks I get for having this skin.”

Sadly, this isn’t the first time Nyakim has been asked ridiculous and insensitive questions.
Speaking to Yahoo Beauty, the model admits that since moving to the U.S she’s been criticized on several occasions for her deep brown hue.
Nyakim says she shared her ‘Uber driver story’ to educate others and to encourage her followers to love the skin they’re in.

Nyakim was also left devastated when she received comments from strangers saying things like: “You’re black as hell, take a shower.”
But thanks to the support of her social media followers, which is 174,000 and rising, she’s found her inner confidence.
Nyakim says her sister also helped to boost her self-esteem by advising her:
‘The most satisfying feeling is when you are comfortable in your own skin and when you accept your beautiful dark, dark melanin.’
Nyakim, who now lives in Minneapolis, admits that even though she promotes skin positivity her journey to self-acceptance hasn’t always been so smooth.

“There was a time in my life where I considered bleaching myself to avoid the dirty looks, the laughter, and for boys to find me attractive,” she says.
Much like Nyakim, fellow model Khoudia Diop has also faced harsh discrimination for her skin tone.

She too reveals she was bullied for her skin tone. Growing up she was called “darky” and “daughter of the night” by her peers.
She decided to confront her bullies and now loves every inch of her melanin.
She’s now a high fashion model.

“As I grew, I learned to love myself more every day, and not pay attention to the negative people, which helped a lot,” Khoudia said.
“The message I have for my sisters is that how you look doesn’t matter as long as you feel beautiful inside.”

Another beautiful dark-skinned model called Lolita Makuey is proud of her skin and loving it.
She calls herself ‘the black Hannah Montana.‘
She also has a large fan base with over 500k followers on Instagram.

Nyakim, too, has a similar message of confidence, that will surely empower other black girls who don’t yet feel comfortable in their own skin due to society’s skewed perception of what beauty is.
“My skin absorbs the suns rays and my hair defies gravity,” she told her devoted followers on Instagram Monday. “Now you can’t tell me I’m not magical!”