Now, you could wait until your significant other falls asleep, take their thumb and get into their iPhone messages – but do really want to do that?
If you can’t trust your partner to be faithful – how can you expect your relationship to last?
But at the same time – 17 percent of divorces are the result of infidelity. That’s a lot of people casually cheating!

Whatever the reason, it’s always better just to break it off before cheating – it’s just so damn messy otherwise!
And when someone leaks the fact that they’ve been going steady with another person on the side, the result can be a catastrophic.
When it’s not your own relationship – you can kinda see the funny side. We’ve compiled the best leaked texts that show people getting caught cheating…
#1. The Accidental Cheater

You should never assume what another person means – especially when texting.
Things can always be misconstrued when texting.
But on the other hand she really did him a favor – his brother – EWWW!
#2. The Unapologetic Cheat

When it comes to breaking up with a cheater, often times they fail to say sorry.
So why not be petty right back!
#3. The Two – Timing Cheat

This one gets juicy. She’s been cheating on two boyfriends. Now they’re working together to get their own back!
So much better than fighting with each other.
#4. The Blackmailed Cheater

Imagine your shock when your uncle asks you to come over while his wife’s away.
Then your great relief to find out he’s not being disgusting.
He’s just a disgusting cheat and you get a Porsche out the situation.
#5. The Levels Of Cheating

It’s one thing to cheat off of your girlfriend’s math test, but to cheat on your boyfriend with his brother is a whole other game.
#6. The X-Box Cheat

What about you? Would you rather the Xbox or a broken bone?
#7. The Dumb Cheater

Why is dad not letting me go out with my boyfriend John? Oh yeah… I’m texting my other boyfriend.
Have you ever been caught out there?