Before the word ‘selfie’ was invented people were taking photos of themselves all the time.
Then came the social media boom and people started taking selfies and sharing them with their friends online.
Suddenly there was this added pressure to take pictures showing yourself in the best lighting, having the most awesomest of times and pouting like a porn star.

While many a good selfie have been snapped and shared, there have been a remarkable amount of poor choices made when it comes to selfie-taking.
Here are some of the worst selfie attempts—warning, they didn’t end well…
#1. The Gun Selfie

One thing thing that never ends well is when alcohol and firearms are in the mix.
Unfortunately, 21-year-old Oscar Aguilar learnt that the hard way.
After drinking heavily with friends one night, Oscar decided he wanted to take a selfie with a loaded gun. Sadly, the gun went off whilst he held it to his head.
By the time he arrived to a hospital Oscar had died from his injuries.
#2. The Distracted Driver

We all know that you shouldn’t be distracted whilst driving. But even the most competent of drivers can sometimes get comfortable and forget to concentrate.
For Courtney Ann Sanford, a post on Facebook and a selfie would be her last communication with the world.
Right after posting an update and sharing her selfie, Courtney’s car crossed the median and hit a truck head-on.
#3. The Perfect Picture

People put a lot of pressure on themselves to take the perfect selfie. How many times do you take and delete a picture before you actually post it online?
It was no different for a Polish couple wanting to get the best picture of themselves at the cliff edge.
They both decided to step over a railing on a cliff in Cabo de Roca, Portugal. Tragically, they both slipped and fell to the rocks and to the water below.
Worst still, the couple were on holiday with their two children who witnessed their being parents killed in front of them.
#4. Selfie Mind Games

Selfies have this added thing for some people who often try and one-up each other.
You ever notice that you take a really nice selfie and get a good amount of likes – then just a few minutes later your “friend’ takes one too? Then they end up getting more likes than you – so annoying!
One such case was Oscar Reye’s Spongebob selfie – but he attempted to one-up himself after an initial picture of himself garnered a few hundred “likes” on social media.
While hanging on the side of his bathroom door, he fell striking his head on the tile floor; he bled out before he made it to the hospital.
“Likes” aren’t worth your life guys.
#5. The Electric Selfie

The most outlandish and adventurous selfie gets the most likes, right? (I can’t count the amount of people I’ve seen taking a picture next to a clearly drugged up tiger)
An unlucky teen from Romanian, Anna Ursu, wanted to get a epic selfie from on top of a train carriage.
Sadly, she was electrocuted when her leg contacted a live power line.