In the current professional dispensation, employees crave freedom. So why not consider the possibility of a remote work arrangement? It could boost their morale and overall output. The transition process to go remote, however, has pitfalls. Carefully assess and ensure you don’t make mistakes. Enjoy this list from experts.
What are some of the blunders people make?
As an employer or manager with a remote work decision in your hands, consider the pitfalls when discussing remote working possibilities with employees. They include;
- Employee Inadequate Preparation. Ensure your employees are convincing when you have a sit down with them. They should have properly researched methods on how they will make the arrangement work. How working from home will benefit the organization besides their careers. The employees should also show ways in which they will trace their performances. It is because they lack the immediate physical supervision that is often present in the office. Ask critical questions and only agree to the arrangement when you are sure it will work.
- Professional vis-à-vis Personal Benefits. Employees must prove their remote working arrangement can’t influence the business. It is because of assured personal advantages such as independence and flexibility. Employees should convince you of the dividends the company will realize from such an arrangement or specifics like reducing the company’s operating costs. Such an understanding of the company by an employee will boost their career profile and pave the way for a remote working opportunity.
- Inadequate Reflection. Rushing plans to have your employees work from remote areas is a mistake. Take time and reflect on how such an arrangement will affect your team. Can all or only a few of them work from a remote setting? Does the remote environment have space to boost their productivity? Will it affect their communication? Are they self-motivated or motivated by a group dynamic? Finally, can they work from a remote setting without access to the company based equipment? If your employees are not ready, equip them first before allowing a remote work arrangement.
- Lone ranging. One disadvantage of working remotely is loneliness. The isolation leads to disconnection. Ensure there are ways for your team to avoid isolation while remote working. Co-working community spaces, coffee shop based working, or a work travel program. You need to determine if the company can afford to back a membership to co-working spaces. Determine if it has workspaces besides the office to provide flexibility.
- Over-compensating. No physical evidence of seeing your employees work is a concern that disturbs employers. It will lead to pressured employees trying to justify their productivity by overworking. To show they are as productive as those based at the office. They try to prevent weariness without any compensation. Establish an efficient communication channel between the remote employee and employer. It will ensure reliability and trust between the team through timely progress updates.
- Complete loss or gain situation. If you are not sure about a completely remote working arrangement for your employee, try to transition them through a day’s or week’s trial and gauge its effectiveness. After all, the journey of most fulltime workers who are remotely based begun like this. It will build trust with your team besides ascertaining that it functions. Boost your employee’s confidence as well through this.
A remote-based working arrangement can be very successful for both the employer and employee. It provides the necessary flexibility and productivity that translates to efficiency and profitability for the company. The approach to transitioning into the remote-based working arrangement is key to ensure success or failure. As a manager knowing the pitfalls involved will set you apart in ensuring your company takes this direction.