
7 Proven Measures To Prevent Responsive Web Design Website Design Failures

Web design

Thinking about creating your site, but do not know what it should be? Afraid that the result will not match the expectations?

If you come to the developer and say: “Make me some site”, then he will make it in the spirit of “Here, I did something.” As a result, the client is dissatisfied with the final product, and the developer is dissatisfied with the customer’s claims.

If you need just a mediocre site, you can skip reading further. However, if you want to get a high-quality product and are looking for a modern website design inspiration without mistakes in its development, you are welcome.

  • Think about for what purposes you need a website

Why do you need a website? Often sites are ordered because now it is popular and prestigious, and not because it is needed. If you want your site to become a helper that contributes to the growth and prosperity of your business, determine the goals of its creation: they affect the design and structure of the product. In the future, this will save you from unnecessary headaches and save your wallet from unnecessary costs for correcting errors.

  • Find out what it takes for the site to generate income

The site is ready, but there is still no profit? One of the possible reasons is that there was no budget for additional types of work: optimization of the resource for search engines, updating information on the site, and writing original content. Optimization will improve the visibility of the site in search results, timely updating of information will increase the confidence of users who will see changes in the life of the company, and writing original content is necessary since materials taken from other resources are not indexed by search engines, which means that they simply may not be found.

  • Prepare materials for the site and agree on the design

No one but you know better about your products and the unique selling proposition you will prepare for your customers. Take time, gather materials, and do not forget to agree on the design. Evaluate it not only in terms of “like-dislike” but also from the point of view of its convenience for customers. So, healthcare website design must be different from the design of resources devoted to household appliances repair and vice versa.

  • Poorly chosen email address or domain name

The domain name should be remembered at first glance and therefore should be short. Try reading this: and The second option is much easier to remember. This also applies to creating emails tied to your site. The easier, simpler, and clearer the address, the more chances that customers will return to you.

  • Poorly thought out layout

Users come to your site to find information about products and services, but if the page is poorly structured, the potential buyer will unlikely stay on it for a long time. The structure of the page should be clear and easy to read.

A well-thought-out layout is a guarantee that your business will find its consumer. There are dozens of successful examples, which took into account all the wishes of the customer and developed a simple and intuitive interface that encourages purchase.

  • Inconvenient site navigation

Visitors to your resource should not rack their brains in search of the necessary information. Remember the rule of three clicks: the user should find any information in no more than 3 clicks. What does this mean? Navigating your site should be simple and intuitive.

  • Lack of adaptive layout

Users of mobile devices and tablets should be comfortable working with your resource. For the site to “adapt” to the device from which it is viewed, an adaptive layout is needed, which changes the design of the site depending on the screen size.


With a careful and correct approach, you can create a high-quality website and avoid all possible mistakes in its development.

Written by Mia

Hey Everyone! This is Mia Shannon from Taxes. I'm 28 years old a professional blogger and writer. I've been blogging and writing for 10 years. Here I talk about various topics such as Fashion, Beauty, Health & Fitness, Lifestyle, and Home Hacks, etc. Read my latest stories.

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