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These 8 Photos Show The Fundamental Difference Between Obama and Trump

Trump came into office promising to change the face of politics and to “Make America Great Again.”

But let’s face it – he won the election with lowest approval record and they’re still ridiculously low.

The scandal over the alleged Russian involvement in the election and his controversial travel bans have kept them falling.

These 8 Photos Show The Fundamental Difference Between Obama and Trump

I confess –  I miss Obama! It’s almost comical to see the difference between the two Presidents.

These 8 Photos Show The Fundamental Difference Between Obama and Trump
NY Times

Seeing Obama getting wet in the rain, while his former First Lady wife hides under the only umbrella; and Trump in a separate picture selfishly hiding under his while everyone gets wet.

Well, it kinda, sorta, encapsulates him as a President.

A sexist bigot.

These 8 Photos Show The Fundamental Difference Between Obama and Trump
(Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

Obama has a charm that just radiates from him.

Many pictures have gone viral of him playing with kids and babies who seem to love him.

These 8 Photos Show The Fundamental Difference Between Obama and Trump
NY Times

However, since Trump has come into power – as much as he tries to be charming – he just comes across as unhinged.

So it’s no wonder there are so many pictures of babies crying when he holds them. (They can feel his weird aura.)

These 8 Photos Show The Fundamental Difference Between Obama and Trump
Elite Daily

Obama always shows his love freely and unconditionally to troops and the public who adore him.

He was an extremely comforting leader, consoling victims and minorities throughout his presidency.

These 8 Photos Show The Fundamental Difference Between Obama and Trump
Us Weekly

He was both compassionate and empathetic.

Even though Trump has vowed to repeal Obamacare, a record number of people have signed up for coverage for 2017.

These 8 Photos Show The Fundamental Difference Between Obama and Trump
Daily Mail

Nearly 6.4 million Americans have signed up for Obamacare.

Obamacare has made it easier for Americans to access health care when necessary.

These 8 Photos Show The Fundamental Difference Between Obama and Trump

Obama said it best: “There’s not a liberal America and a conservative America – there’s the United States of America.”

Written by Christine Haveford

Christine loves all things cinema, and she's been that way ever since she was a little girl. In fact, she is so passionate about cinema that she decided to pursue cinematography as a full-time career, and is now pursuing film studies at the New York Film School. Originally from Florida, she is still exploring the new city, people, places, and the culture, loves the new weather, going ice skating during winters, and spending time with her fellow classmates and friends from college.

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