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A Detailed Guide On Laser Wrinkle Reduction

One of the facial challenges people battle, as they grow older, is wrinkles. But this is not the only causative factor. Other elements include smoking, prolonged exposure to UV rays, repeated facial contortions and expressions, to mention a few. There are medical solutions to this condition, one of which includes laser resurfacing for wrinkle reduction. This treatment option combats not only wrinkles but also skin irregularities. Individuals who struggle with acne scars and blemishes can also undergo such procedures.

How does it work? This question lingers on everyone’s lips. Laser resurfacing emits concentrated pulsating beams of light at the target area of the body, taking each layer off. Medical practitioners refer to this procedure as lasabrasion, laser vaporization, or laser peel. 

Introduction to Wrinkle Laser Treatment

What makes laser resurfacing unique is that it is non-invasive and non-toxic. As the light from the laser device contacts the skin cells, it promotes cell growth. People who intend to undergo this procedure do not need medication. According to recent studies, this treatment reduces the presence of wrinkles by 45%, with results lasting beyond two years.

Carbon dioxide lasers also inhibit the appearance of wrinkles by vaporizing water molecules within the cells that tend to damage the surrounding tissue. As such, the skin produces more protein collagen to fill up the presence of wrinkles.

What Makes Wrinkle Laser Technology Important?

Undergoing laser therapy comes with the following benefits, including:

  • Enhanced immune response
  • Enhanced healthy lifestyle
  • Minimal need for the pain reliever
  • Enhanced blood flow in the targeted area
  • Increased stimulation of collagen for skin cell growth

When undergoing laser wrinkle reduction, the cosmetic plastic surgeon applies the  laser to the targeted area. The laser beam transmits photons into the skin, going three inches deep, which is then absorbed by the mitochondria. As such, the adenosine triphosphate levels increase, stimulating the production of new skin cells. With the increase in collagen production as well, the scar tissue reduces drastically.

Preparing for Treatment

The patient books an appointment with a reputable ASDS dermatologist. This professional is registered with the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. There will be a need to examine the patient’s medical history and even conduct a physical exam. With the result generated, the dermatologist can identify potential risks and present various treatment options for the condition.

Before laser wrinkle reduction takes place, the patient should have adhered to the following instructions:

  • Avoiding the use of deodorants, perfumes and other fragrances in the targeted area before and after the procedure.
  • Steering clear of waxing, tanning beds, collagen injections, sunbathing, and chemical peels, at least two weeks before the treatment.
  • Avoiding the intake of anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin, and herbal supplements as these products can increase the risk of haemorrhage.

Post-Treatment Care

With laser wrinkle reduction, the results are visible several weeks after the treatment. Side effects may also develop, including the following:

  • There may be flushing in the treated area for four to eight hours after the procedure. After this period, the skin tone returns to normal.
  • Mild swelling may occur around the treated part. But it doesn’t last long. Within a few days, the inflammation will subside.
  • Patients may experience slight stinging sensations, which is likened to sunburn. This side effect only lasts for about four to six hours before vanishing. During this period, patients can apply ice packs or moist clothing to the treated area.

The surgeon may recommend steering clear of lotion and makeup during the first 24 hours or until the side effects are no more experienced. During this period, patients cannot use these products. On the other hand, they may be advised to use moisturizers on the treated area twice daily. This process is to last for the duration of the treatment, which can be up to three months.

How Much Does Laser Wrinkle Reduction Cost?

The treatment fee for laser wrinkle reduction depends on the type of treatment. According to the American Society for Plastic Surgeons, ablative laser skin resurfacing costs $1,963, while non-ablative option goes for $1,201. It is worth noting that this is only a part of the total cost, as there are other expenses as well. The plastic surgeon determines the entire price plan of the procedure.

Other factors may influence the price of treatment, including the skills, qualifications, and expertise of the cosmetic plastic surgeon or dermatologist, the clinic’s location, the type of treatment used, and the time and effort required to perform the procedure. It is worth mentioning that laser wrinkle reduction doesn’t fall under the typical insurance coverage. However, plastic surgeons may come up with affordable pricing plans. Here is a breakdown of the entire cost:

  • Surgical facility price
  • Anaesthesia cost
  • Medical prescriptions

The dermatologist will provide a comprehensive estimate for the treatment.

Potential Risks During Treatment

All cosmetic and medical procedures have potential risks and side effects, laser wrinkle reduction inclusive. However, they are almost negligible when the procedure is carried out by a certified and experienced professional. Some of the adverse effects to expect using laser wrinkle reduction include:

  • Bleeding
  • Scarring
  • Swelling
  • Pain
  • Crusting
  • Infection
  • Discolouration

Who Qualifies for this Treatment Option?

Laser wrinkle reduction is not limited to specific persons as individuals with fine lines, wrinkles and creases can undergo the procedure. The targeted areas that may be addressed are the eyes, mouth, and forehead. In the same vein, those persons with acne scars, unresponsive skin, and other related conditions are ideal candidates for laser treatment.

On the other hand, individuals with dark skin tone may not qualify for this treatment option as it is less effective in treating their acne scars. The treatment is not also ideal for those with stretch marks. Before undergoing laser wrinkle reduction, a patient has to discuss these concerns with the cosmetic plastic surgeon to determine the right treatment option.

Bottom Line

Laser wrinkle reduction is an ideal treatment option for those who battle wrinkles, fine lines, frown lines, creases, and other facial appearances. It is non-invasive and comes with less downtime. As such, this treatment option helps individuals to slow down the ageing process without going under the knife.

Written by George K.

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