
Air Conditioning 101: How To Set Thermostat To Save Money During Summer

Thermostat To Save Money During Summer

It’s summertime, and that means you’re running your air conditioning system more than usual. That also means you need to be aware of how much it costs you. The good news is there are a few things you can do to reduce those costs without sacrificing comfort. One way is by setting your thermostat at an appropriate temperature in order to save money during the hot summer months.

Use Your Thermostat Efficiently

Use your thermostat efficiently to save money during the hot summer months. It’s important to set it at an appropriate temperature in order for you and any family members that might be home to sleep comfortably through the night without feeling too warm or cold while they rest.

When setting the temperature on your thermostat, go with 75 degrees as a baseline when you have just one person occupying the space. If there are more than two people living in that area, bump up those numbers by five degrees so long as everyone is comfortable with their sleeping conditions during this time of year.

For example: If three adults live together, but all prefer different temperatures, then let them decide how much cooler (or warmer) each would like the temperature and find the middle ground.

If you live in a place that does not need constant heat, then it is best to turn your thermostat up to 85 degrees when no one is home and lower the temperature by five degrees an hour before anyone arrives home from work or school. If you have any pets at home, make sure they are able to roam freely without being stuck inside where they will be overly hot. Keep fresh water out for them so they can drink as often as needed throughout their day.

The key here is finding what works for everyone involved while saving money on your summer electricity bill. Setting a timer on appliances such as ovens or microwaves during this time of year can also help conserve energy consumption and save some cash too.

Use Fan To Keep Your House Cool

If you have a table fan in your house, make sure it is placed on the floor and blows up towards the ceiling. It can be set on low to circulate air throughout the room instead of blasting one area with high winds that could result in a lot of dust being moved around.

An oscillating fan will also work well for this purpose too if there’s not enough space near a window or door to place an upright model. Turn down lights while using fans as they are drawing power from electrical outlets too.

While these methods may seem simple, many people don’t think about them until their electricity bill comes due at the end of each month.

Maintain Proper Ventilation

Opening windows during the day to get a cross breeze going is another easy way to cool your house. It’s important, however, that you maintain proper ventilation or else it will be too humid when night falls and all those trapped hot air pockets are released into the room as people sleep.

Turn Off Devices That Give Off Heat

When watching TV in bed, for example, turn off devices at least an hour before going to bed so they don’t give off heat (like laptops) which can cause body temperature issues as well as using up energy resources while being idle. Turning down the thermostat on appliances such as televisions also helps lower costs. And if you’re feeling brave enough, take advantage of “free” cooling by opening.

Run Your Cooling System Properly

The attic or unfinished parts of the house are a great place to keep your cooling system. That way, it can transfer cool air throughout the house without costing any money at all.

Don’t Run Lights And Refrigerators When Not In Use

It’s important not to leave lights on in rooms that you’re not using and unplug appliances such as refrigerators when they’re not needed because this will cause unnecessary energy use and power loss.

Running these items uses up electricity which raises your electric bill indirectly. Unplug chargers from electronics like laptops, so it doesn’t have an idle current draw. This is also good for saving battery life if you need to switch off quickly during emergencies too.

Close The Blinds When AC Is On

Don’t forget to close the blinds or curtains on windows that aren’t being cooled because this will trap in cool air and keep your home cooler. This also helps save energy by blocking out sunlight which can make you as hot as 15 degrees warmer.

Turn AC Down At Night

It’s best to turn your cooling system down just a few degrees at night so it doesn’t use up any unnecessary power when no one is awake; this saves money from running 24 hours automatically. You should be able to set your thermostat for 68-72F, depending on what kind of climate you live in (or have).

Restrict Air Leaks In The House

Air leaks can be a major source of wasted energy and money in your house. When you’re looking for air leaks, look for doors or windows that are improperly sealed, vents with too many gaps around them and anything else that could let warm air escape from the inside to outside. This will cause your home to be hotter because the cool air is not allowed back in.

Invest In Proper Maintenance Of Thermostat

When the time to replace your thermostat comes, it might be worth investing in a programmable one. These can save you up to 30% on energy costs because they have features that make them more efficient and cost-effective.

Buy Energy Efficient Appliances

It may seem like buying an expensive appliance is not necessary when all you do with it is wash clothes or dry dishes, but this kind of thinking could lead to big problems later down the road. The bigger issue here is whether or not these appliances are energy efficient enough for use year-round. For example, if you buy a fridge that has high efficiency during warmer months but does not work during colder ones, you will spend much more money than needed.


Using the thermostat properly can help you to save money on your heating and cooling bills. The thermostat can help you to save money on your energy bills during the summer months by setting it between 78-80 degrees Fahrenheit, which is a comfortable temperature for most people in that range of heat.

Written by Mia

Hey Everyone! This is Mia Shannon from Taxes. I'm 28 years old a professional blogger and writer. I've been blogging and writing for 10 years. Here I talk about various topics such as Fashion, Beauty, Health & Fitness, Lifestyle, and Home Hacks, etc. Read my latest stories.

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