
Cause of and Ways to Take Care of Oily Hair

There are a great number of frustrations out there in the world, and one of them is oily hair. On some days, you wake up feeling great about yourself. You have a cute outfit picked out and a delicious lunch packed for later on in the day. You go the bathroom to brush your teeth and take a shower when you look in the mirror and there is a greasy mass of hair staring back at you in the glass. Having greasy and oily hair is a really big pain to take care of, and it is something that makes people feel very self-conscious. 

Even though oily hair is something that many of us deal with every day, we don’t always know what causes it. After a little bit of research, we’d learned quite a lot! Oily hair usually occurs for one of two reasons. There is usually either a scalp issue, or you might have poor beauty and hygiene habits. If you want to get to the root (no pun intended) of the oily hair problem, you need to learn about what goes on scientifically when it comes to your hair and its overall growth. 

Cause of and Ways to Take Care of Oily Hair

The pores in your skin have sebaceous glands, which produce an oily substance called sebum. These glands exist all over your body, including your scalp. You might find that when you comb your hair with a wooden comb or brush, you’re spreading this sebaceous substance all through your hair, and as a result, it gets a natural shine. Sebum also helps your hair look healthy, while also preventing it from getting too dry and eventually breaking. However, while sebum has a lot of benefits, there are times when it can be problematic when it is produced in excess. As a result, you want to take extra care to make sure that your hair is properly cared for without looking too oily. 

When it comes to prevention of oily hair, you can learn to control it by starting small, and simply. 

Here are the top 2 ways to take care of your oily hair: 

Don’t touch your hair too much 

To begin with, try not to touch your hair too often. When we say touch your hair, what we mean by this is that you shouldn’t touch it with your fingers and hands, because you might have other chemicals and dirt on your palms that you might transfer unknowingly into your hair. You must also try not to try not to brush it too often. By not doing these things, you are preventing grease from being distributed throughout the strands.

Do not wash your hair too often 

Do not over-wash your hair, or scrub it too often. Greasy hair can turn into a cyclical problem, so cleaning your hair regularly and constantly means that shampooing your hair is also irritating your scalp. This happens because you are constantly stripping your hair of the natural oils that it produces, and so, your scalp produces more oil to compensate. 

If you must wash your hair every day, try not to wash it more than once a day. Make sure you rinse your hair in cold water for at least 30 second, because doing so helps make sure that all the shampoo and conditioner are rinsed out. Hot water is what revives the scalp’s sebaceous glands. On the other hand, cold water shuts the glands down, thus preventing oil from being produced excessively. Cold water also helps reduce damage to the hair. After washing your hair, try to let it dry naturally. If you must use an electric product to dry it, try and minimize the amount of heat used. Just like hot water, hot air also stimulates the production of oil. 

It is extremely important to rinse your hair out completely once you are done washing it. There may be times when you think that your scalp is very greasy, when in fact, you haven’t rinsed out shampoo or conditioner from your scalp. Since oily hair is aggravated by the excessive usage of hair products, use conditioner only on the ends of your hair. Avoid your scalp completely, and apply it only to the ends of your hair.


In this article, we took you through the leading causes of oily hair, and two simple but effective methods to lessen or prevent your hair from retaining excessive amounts of oil. The next time you’re about to lose your mind because of an oily hair mishap, we hope this article helps!

Written by Abhishek

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