A lot has changed since your parents bought you those classic Disney VHS tapes when you were a kid. These days you either have a fancy DVD player or watch your favorite film on your mobile device.
But before you take your Dumbo VHS to your local charity shop, you might want to give it a closer look. The same VHS tapes that are currently collecting dust in your basement may be worth a lot of money.

‘What’s so important about these VHS tapes?’ I hear you cry. Well, a recent listing for a Beauty and the Beast VHS was recently listed on eBay for over $10,000!
Disney VHS tapes are seen as collectors items with many fans wanting to add to their huge collections.

A classic Disney VHS can be worth enough money for a person to comfortably pay an entire month’s rent or even go on a luxury holiday.
Many Disney VHS collectors have gone to great lengths to find classic tape. They are more than willing to part with a great deal of money for a VHS tape that may currently be in your possession.

Disney collectors consider certain editions of VHS tapes to be highly valuable. Especially those with unusual artwork, rare defects and those that are limited-edition.
Others simply collect them because they are huge fans and buy and swap them with other Disney fanatics.

There are rare editions of Disney movies that sell for unbelievable amounts of money.
Beauty and the Beast and the Little Mermaid are considered to be among the most valuable Disney VHS tapes and have sold for thousands on eBay!

One feature that is considered particularly valuable is the black diamond.
If you see a black diamond on a Disney VHS case that says “The Classics,” you have a special edition that can bring its value up considerably.

If you see this diamond with Disney’s signature next to it, the VHS could even be worth even more. One older edition of The Little Mermaid sold for $6,000 because it featured artwork that was later banned.
One of the palace turrets on the VHS cover was considered inappropriate-looking, so the artwork was later redone.

If you have a Beauty and the Beast VHS that includes the song “Human Again,” you could get some high bids, too.
The song was cut from later editions of the VHS and collectors are desperate for an original copy.

Before you get too excited and start tearing up your house to find your old childhood items, know that any old Disney VHS won’t do.
Look for the distinct features and you could be in the money!