
How to Choose a Weight Loss Approach Based on Your Metabolism

Some people seem to stay effortlessly slim. They say such things as, ‘I can eat anything I want, and I get away with it!’ Sadly, others perpetually battle with their weight. They say things like, ‘I only have to LOOK at a cake, and I put on weight!’ Scientifically speaking, it’s not just a case of people having good or bad luck in this area – there are reasons why this occurs. 

If someone is highly fit and active and eats well, they will likely have a fast metabolism. That means they will burn calories faster than someone who eats badly and lives a sedentary life. But what do we do if we want to lose weight based on our current metabolic rate? Let’s find out together. 

Understand Your Metabolism

Our metabolic rate determines how much food and drink we consume turns to energy. It’s not just for our daily physical activities, either. Our metabolic rate is also connected to keeping our basic physical functions going. 

Fortunately, the internet contains helpful information on dieting in relation to our metabolism. It’s beneficial for beginners when they discover such things as a Metabolic Factor review. People are actively seeking ways to get their metabolic rates ‘working’, so they can shed more fat and lose weight. People want to understand their personal rates and to access suitable recipes. They also want to know the pro’s and con’s of such diets and to discover alternatives as well. 

It’s also key that people understand the things they can’t change. Men have on average a 5-6% faster metabolic rate than women. Our height and our genes can have a direct impact upon this rate too. As we grow old, we gain more fat and lose muscle. This slows down the rate that we burn calories. Interestingly, there are a limited number of medical conditions that can make us increase in weight, such as having an underactive thyroid gland. 

Understand The Importance Of Exercise

Whatever our current rate is, it can be increased. The most basic solution is defined in this way: We lose weight if we burn more calories than we consume. There’s no denying it: athletes have higher metabolic rates than couch potatoes!

It’s a much-publicized fact that we should all take thirty minutes’ aerobic exercise every day. It can be broken down into three ten minute segments if required, and in some cases, more than thirty minutes is advisable. There is more power in taking rigorous exercise for thirty minutes than having a low cardio workout for double the time. 

Weight training is also very beneficial for increasing our metabolic rates. This is because muscle tissue uses up more calories than fat tissue. Hydrotherapy is another option well worth researching. 

Adjust Your Food Intake

We can change our body composition and gain lean body mass. The internet is full of praise for healthy diets containing fresh fruit and vegetables. We should monitor our portion sizes and also the quality of our food. The latter will affect its digestibility. Whether additional chemicals have been added to the food can also affect our bodies. Such things as chilies and proteins contribute to speeding up our metabolic rates. 

It’s better to have a sustained weight reduction, say of one to two pounds a week. As we said before, make sure you burn more calories than you eat. 

Crash diets can be counterproductive. If we significantly reduce our food intake, our bodies respond by trying harder to store our calories. This actually slows down our metabolism rather than speeding it up. Additionally, crash diets are usually abandoned after a while, and people simply go back to square one. 

How to Choose a Weight Loss Approach Based on Your Metabolism

Tailor Your Drinks Too

We must stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. As we mentioned earlier, the metabolic process is a chemical reaction – and it’s dependent on us staying hydrated to achieve this.

Green tea and drinks that contain caffeine (such as coffee) also aid the metabolic process.   

Other Factors To Consider

People need 7-8 hours’ quality sleep each night. Without this, they risk type 2 diabetes and obesity. Sleep loss makes us feel more hungry, raises our glucose rates, and slows down our metabolism. 

In addition to a healthy diet, people sometimes consider metabolism-boosting supplements. One of the most famous ones is Omega 3 fatty acids. 

As we have learned, our metabolic rate is based on the total picture of our lives: our diet, exercise, and other lifestyle factors. When all these factors are correctly managed, our metabolism will improve and we will lose weight. Consistent dieting and exercise are vital. No single tactic will provide lasting results.

Written by George K.

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