
Make 2021 your fittest year

Is 2021 the year when you’ll shine? Everyone has high expectations from it, and it only started. 

Are you ready to step up to the plate and get the fitness program you’re planning for so long into action? Then it would be best if you stuck around because we have some tips for you. 

Motivation strikes high every January, and everyone begins a journey to reaching the fit bodies they’ve always dreamt of. Not all succeed. But you can do it with proper planning and a strategy to support your efforts. The new year brings new challenges, with the pandemic still going strong and keeping some gyms closed. Home workouts are an alternative option when the local fitness center stays closed, but it’s more challenging to achieve your goals when you don’t have access to the needed equipment. 

This guide helps you make 2021 the fittest year in your life by providing some recommendations on how to stay on track with your training

Create a fit agenda

The first step to start a successful journey to building a fit body is to set down a plan that includes a training routine that helps you achieve your goal. If you have the misconception you can wing it, or you don’t need a schedule to stay motivated and train daily, then you’ll soon find yourself sitting on the couch with a bag of chips and a cookie and watching your favorite TV series for the second time in less than six months. 

Use an agenda to write down everything fitness related that can help you in the process. You can also use a mobile app, but professional athletes say they find it more useful to write down their plan. 

What should you write in your journal?

  • The days of the week when you want to hit the gym
  • The days and time when you need to prepare meals
  • The days when you need to shop for groceries
  • The times of the day when you eat meals
  • Your workout programs and food intake. 

Write down the workout and diet details daily to make sure you stay on track. At the end of the week, look over the plan and reflect on the things you accomplished and the ones you failed to determine how you can do it differently next time you experience problems. 

Demand more from yourself

The secret to success is to demand more from yourself, always. You can make 2021 your fittest year, but it implies you step out of your comfort zone and push yourself to do better. 

What does it mean? You are what you practice, so you shouldn’t be happy with just enough, but teach your mind to be more disciplined, resilient, and determined. The fitness center is the right place to practice this new mindset because the people training there can provide inspiration and support for you. Create harder workouts every week, push your limit with every training session, and you’ll get better results than before. Don’t be ashamed to ask for help from other people who work out at your local gym or a personal instructor because their experience can improve your results. 

Once you adopt this frame of mind, nothing can stop you from achieving your goals. You can carry it over to all areas of life and improve everything you’re not happy with. 

Stretch before going to sleep

The easiest part of the fitness routine you want to adopt is to stretch before bed. Many people ignore or neglect this habit, but it can impact your gym results. Every day, no matter if you work out or not, make it a habit. It relaxes your body and helps your muscles lose some of the tension the last training session put on them. 

Most people overlook stretching when they want to improve their fitness, but it’s a mistake because it has many benefits. Stretching alone isn’t a workout to grow your muscles, improve your strength, or help you lose weight, but it enables you to enhance your workout performance and prevents injuries. It also reduces post-workout pain and soreness that kicks in 24 to 48 hours after training a muscle group. During the first months, you may also need a relieving treatment like CBD to fight soreness and pain because your body feels the workout effects harder after a long break. If you prefer to vape CBD to get it faster in your system, you need a vape cartridge.  

Identify the steps you need to follow to achieve your goals

Goal setting is a vital step in succeeding in your plan. It keeps you motivated no matter what you do and works as a driving force when your willpower is low. But it’s not enough only to write down your goal; it won’t take you from point A to point B. You need a plan of action because if you just sit around and chill in the living room, your goals won’t come to fruition, and your fitness won’t improve. Make the decision to do everything to accomplish your goals. It’s hard to get it started, but there’s nothing that can stop you once you do it. 

When you struggle to take action, you may lack a roadmap. The simplest way to get the roadmap for your fitness routine is to find a program that matches your goals and adapt it to your schedule. You can use online apps to guide your first steps in achieving your goal. You can also work with a personal instructor who creates a personalized training routine based on your needs and wants. 

Final words

The last recommendation for making2021 your fittest year is to remember that this isn’t a competition. You should go at your own pace because this is your journey, and you should enjoy it. No one else is going through the same things, and you shouldn’t compare yourself to them. You know in your heart that you can do better, and that’s all you need.  

Written by George K.

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