
On-Page SEO Tips You Have Been Looking For!

Blogging is really popular these days. Blogging gives them an opportunity to express themselves. But bloggers face hardships when it comes to attracting the right kind of traffic. They struggle to keep up with the ever evolving SEO algorithms. It is important to be prepared for Search Engine Optimization. Here in this article we are going to have a closer look at few on-page SEO techniques.

Title of the page

  • As far SEO is concerned, the page titles are extremely important. 
  • The page title should be unique in the first place. It should also have primary keywords in it.
  • Title should be really interesting as well. Only then people would like to come to your website to have a look at it. 
  • Title should be apt as well. You should do justice to the content by giving an apt title.

Meta descriptions

Meta descriptions are really important from SEO point of view. It is a big mistake to exclude Meta descriptions in your page. What do you mean by Meta descriptions in the first place? Meta descriptions are the short descriptions you have written for the content on the page. Here you should make sure that you have written a short description. And it should be filled with keywords. 

Meta tags

Meta tags are important too. You can have keywords as Meta tags. It is really important to utilize Meta tags. It is a crime to omit Meta tags. If your website uses WordPress, you will be able to find many useful plugins to achieve the same.

Structure of URL

Yes, URL structure is another important aspect you need to look into.  It is really important to come up with URLs which are search engine friendly. There are few things you need to keep in mind here. First and foremost, make sure that the URL contains relevant keywords. Next up, you need to ensure that URLs are short.

Body tags

Your content should be readable. It is really important. We recommend breaking your content into several small paragraphs.  This will make your content look attractive. Subheadings are really important. Providing many subheadings will make your content more readable. We recommend using the heading tags like H1, H2 and H3. This will tell the search engines about what you are actually trying to convey through the content. You need to make sure that the headings are filled with important keywords. 

Keyword density

Keyword density is another very important factor that you should consider. As we have already discussed, you need to have relevant keywords throughout the content. At the same time, you should not go for overkill as far as keywords are concerned. Search engines will not appreciate this. They will most likely penalize your website if search engines feel that your content is filled with keywords in a disproportionate manner. You should not try to repeat the keywords for no reason. You will get punished for this mistake for sure. Keyword stuffing used to work in the early days of search engines. That is not the case any longer. Google have mechanisms in place to detect keyword stuffing and they will punish you for this mistake. You don’t want to be in this situation at all.

Written by George K.

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