Jermaine Bell is just six-years-old.
He would be forgiven for not knowing the ramifications of Hurricane Dorian. The devastating storm has caused havoc in the Bahamas and the East Coast of U.S.
But little Jermaine has compassion and empathy beyond his years. The soon to be seven-year old has been saving money to celebrate his birthday at to Disney World in Florida.
After hearing news of members of his community evacuating their homes as Hurricane Dorian approaches, he decided to help.
Jermaine is now using his pocket money to help feed and comfort people left without a roof over their head as a result of the storm.

Jermaine lives in South Carolina and is in the path of the potentially devastating storm.
He has used his pocket money to purchase food like hot dogs, chips and water – feeding over 100 evacuees in the process.
The kind-hearted boy has stood alongside Highway 125 with a pair of handwritten signs advertising his purchased food.
“The people that are traveling to go to places, I wanted them to have some food to eat, so they can enjoy the ride to the place that they’re going to stay at,” he told WJBF.
“I wanted to be generous and live to give,” he added.

Jermaine’s grandmother Aretha Grant says she is extremely proud of her grandson. She even says he is praying for the families that have lost their homes.
“He actually even prayed for a family while they were here in reference to their house being okay when they got back, so that was really tear dropping,” she revealed.
“They weren’t able to take everything. So just knowing that they couldn’t take everything and we were able to have a house, so that’s the blessed part that he should be thankful for and get out of it.” she said.

Local pastor Daniel Latimer shared a behind the scenes video of Jermaine as he does his charitable deed.
“I am super proud of one of my young members. He decided to give some of his birthday money to serve and give to evacuees [who are] leaving the hurricane areas.”
“I love that my church is a church that gives to the community but I’m extra excited that our youth are givers too.”
Jermaine is still hopeful to go back to saving for his dream trip to Disney World when the storm is over.
He wants to go to the Animal Kingdom at Disney World, see the lions and “have a Lion King party.”
Disney World is in coastal Florida, it is in the path of Hurricane Dorian and it was forced to close some parks early yesterday in anticipation of the storm.