If you’re a parent to a child that is not biologically yours, the chances are you consider them you’re own.
Kids need love period. If a child comes into your life and you can provide them with a safe space to grow, you deserve to be celebrated.
But what happens when a step-parent and a biological parent clash on the way a child should be raised?

That appears to be what happened to this situation. Based on information in a Facebook post, a biological father was angry that his daughter has been taken to a nail salon by her stepdad.
But the step-father has blasted the dad for his lack of presence in his daughter’s life.
In a response on Facebook the bio dad, the stepfather explained the difference in creating kids and caring for them. He spoke directly to the dad about how smart and beautiful his daughter is and offers some advice on how he should proceed from now on.

The stepfather wrote: “I wasn’t going to say anything but nah since her biological dad wanna make Facebook post I guess I’ll entertain him for a bit.”
“So apparently you mad cause I took her to get her nails done yesterday? Is that correct? After I reached out to you and told you I was taking her and even ask would you like to join?”
The difference between me and you, you just created her. I’M RAISING HER. While you over there in your feelings MF. Stop asking why I’m doing stuff with her and start asking about the sh** that really matters.”

He went on to describe his stepdaughter’s progress in school, writing:
“She can spell her whole entire name, she can count to a 100, she knows entire alphabet and the sounds every letter makes. But she does sometimes mistake the letter q from g.”
“She loves working with other students and like everywhere else, she’s the star in every room she enters”
“She a great student in her first year in school, trust me I haven’t missed a parent/teacher conference yet.”

He finished up by saying, “Instead of having attitudes and a problem with what I’m doing with the child you created ni***a you should be thanking me and tipping your hat cause I stood up and step in when you could not!”
“Any way you welcome lil ni***a. Well I’m about to video call my baby right now you probably don’t know but she still had school today, she goes to private school my n***a. “
Oh yeah I’m helping pay for that as well.. Stop being a baby daddy my guy, learn how to become a father.. mate.”

Unsurprisingly the stepfather’s passionate post went viral, garnering over 18 thousand reactions on Facebook.
While the majority of people praised the stepfather for stepping up, some felt that a stepfather had overstepped his mark.
Either way, the important thing is the little girl looks happy and is certainly very loved.