
Tips on Picking the Perfect Bowling Ball

Bowling is probably one of the most enjoyable games. Whether you want to play leisurely or competitively, it all comes down to the choice of your bowling ball.

Your bowling ball shouldn’t just suit your body weight, but also your gaming needs and style. Besides that, there are many other things you need to consider. You cannot just walk in a store and pick any ball that looks appealing. 

Here are a few things you should consider if you want to buy a perfect bowling ball.

  • Ball Type

The first question you should ask yourself is, ‘’What type of ball do I want and why?’’. The answer to these questions will define your gaming needs. You can either do online research or take advice from a pro-shop worker.

We recommend the latter, as pro-shop owners have experience in finding the ball that suits the buyer’s expertise level and gaming needs. Only after determining your ideal ball type can you proceed to buy a bowling ball.

  • Weight

The second-most important aspect is to determine if you’re capable of holding and controlling the bowling ball’s weight. If the ball is too heavy, you won’t find the perfect balance and may risk injuries. If it’s too light, your strength and throwing potential may be limited.

According to experts, the ball should equal to 10% of your body weight. Since it gives you much better control while reducing the chances of injuries. Also, keep in mind to not pick the heaviest or the lightest ball. The ball should feel heavy in your hands but shouldn’t put you off balance.

  • Coverstock Material

The coverstock is the outer covering of bowling balls, and their significance is overlooked for something visually appealing. The coverstock has a direct effect on how well the ball throws. Before choosing the material, check if it’s suitable for the lanes you’ll play in to ensure better control. 

Ideally, the best coverstock material is plastic. As plastic is not only budget-friendly but is also smooth while providing enough resistance. Other materials of coverstock include urethane, polyester, and reactive resin. These materials provide you ample friction and control. But can be heavy on your budget if you’re looking for an entry-level bowling ball.

  • Core Type

While the coverstock is a significant consideration when buying a bowling ball, the ball’s core is an even bigger busying consideration. The core is the ball’s internal element and thus cannot be seen. But the core plays a huge role in defining its force once it’s thrown down the lane. Consequently, it has a direct impact on your performance. 

These days, bowling ball cores have a myriad of types, shapes, and sizes. Thus, making it a complex decision. The three main types of cores are pancake core, symmetrical core, and asymmetrical core. It’s a well-known fact that balls with symmetric cores spin better. Regardless, you must take professional advice or ask the pro-shop owner about the bowling ball’s core. Because a ball’s core determines its hooking potential on which the entire game depends.

  • Gripping Holes

Each bowling ball has three holes to grip on before throwing. The holes are for your thumb, middle finger, and ring finger. For a perfect throw, your fingers must fit inside the holes perfectly. Hence, before picking a ball check if the hole size matches your fingers. Neither should your fingers feel jammed inside nor should they be so loose that you lose ball’s control. 

Besides that, the distance between each hole or span should also be comfortable for your grip. Try out several balls until you find the one that fits well and feels comfortable. You can also customize the holes in a bowling ball to fit your finger or use finger inserts.

That’s the end of bowling ball buying tips. After consulting professionals and doing research you’ll find the ideal bowling ball in no time.

Written by Jordan

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