
Types of Kratom: Everything You Need to Know

There are different strains of Kratom that give different results. Knowing the different strains and their effects is important so that you can choose the best one that suits your needs. Let’s take a look at the various strains available for use. 

White Vein Kratom 

White vein Kratom is the most popular variant. The mitragynine present in it gives the boost of energy to take on a stressful day. If you are sluggish in the mornings, white vein kratom will give you a shot of energy to positively start your day. 

If you are trying it out for the first time, start with a minimum dose to see how your body and mind react. You can adjust the dosage once you are comfortable with it with the doctor’s guidance. 

For people who suffer from anxiety regularly, this is good for you. If you wish to improve your focus, use this in the proper quantity. Those suffering from body aches and stress can also try this out. 

Benefits of White Vein Kratom:

  • Boost in energy level
  • Lowers depression levels and uplifts mood
  • Improves concentration and mental clarity
  • Works well as a painkiller
  • A great stress buster to manage anxiety 

Red Vein Kratom 

Another popular strain for the calming effect it induces when consumed. It is available in different types like Red Sumatra, Pontianak Red Horn, Red Thai, and many more. It is stronger than the other types of Kratom and naturally relaxes the body rapidly. 

The calming effects induced remain so throughout the day. This strong pain-reliever helps manage pain and improves overall health. 

Many use this to relax for a while with good sleep. This is a popular choice for insomniacs. 

Benefits of Red Vein Kratom:

  • Improved quality of sleep 
  • Mood enhancer
  • Induces a calming effect
  • Improves overall health 

Green Vein Kratom 

A milder version of the White Vein Kratom that has subtle effects. It gives a mild boost of energy unlike the jolt from white vein kratom. It encourages confidence in social settings to deal with anxiety. It also helps improve concentration. 

You can enter the Kratom world with this mild type of Kratom and upgrade to other types later. This is great for newbies and socially awkward people. Improve your confidence and become more comfortable around people with Green Vein Kratom. 

Benefits of Green Vein Kratom:

  • Boosts energy naturally
  • Improves confidence
  • Helps in making you socially comfortable
  • Enhances mood 
  • Good pain-reliever 

Maeng Da Kratom 

This type of Kratom is originally from Thailand, also grown in Indonesia and Malaysia as well. It relieves pain and soothes the muscles. It has antidepressant properties as well which makes it more popular among people. Maeng Da Kratom is stronger than other Kratoms. 

Many use it to be more efficient at work as it is good for improving concentration and heightened energy levels. It also helps in balancing emotions and moods that can ultimately improve overall well-being. 

Due to its high potency, a low dosage is suggested. It is best for people who struggle with a hazy sense of focus and to remain energetic. 

Benefits of Maeng Da Kratom:

  • Enhances mood and energy level
  • A good antidepressant
  • Relaxes and relieves pain
  • Promotes mental stability

Bentuangie Kratom 

Even though Bentuangie Kratom is a newbie, it has managed to attract many people and has won their hearts. It is popular as a relaxing strain as it has calming effects. This Kratom can also induce good sleep and calms you down for a better mood. The effects of Bentuangie Kratom last longer than any other Kratom. 

It is great for people who have sleepless nights and need something for pain relief. This is a good choice to improve sleep and relax your body. Manage anxiety and calm your nerves in stressful situations. 

Benefits of Bentuangie Kratom:

  • Improves sleep quality
  • Lowers anxiety
  • Good pain reliever
  • Improves sleep cycle
  • Improves mood

Yellow Vein Kratom

Another type of Kratom that is not as popular as other Kratoms. According to many researchers, it is not made using the traditional drying method, that is why it has a yellow color. It also has a calming effect like other Kratoms. Energy levels are improved with the use of this type of Kratom. 

It has long-lasting effects, unlike many other Kratoms. It has milder effects that will take you through a tough day with high energy and a positive mood. Great for people who are often restless and anxious. 

Benefits of Yellow Vein Kratom:

  • Boosts energy level
  • Lowers anxiety level 
  • Enhances mood 
  • Improves focus 
  • Long-lasting effects

Taking Capsules 

How to take Kratom Capsules?

If you are taking Kratom capsules, use your judgment and separate a few capsules to prepare the correct amount of dosage. Take capsules along with a lot of water as Kratom tends to dehydrate you. 

Best way to take Kratom Capsules 

When Kratom is taken on an empty stomach it is believed to be more potent. Avoid this if you have a sensitive digestive system, eat well before taking capsules or you might have some side effects like nausea or dizziness. 

How many Kratom Capsules should I take?

Wondering how many grams of Kratom to take? Each capsule of Kratom contains half a gram of Kratom. If you are taking a first-time kratom dose, it is advisable to start small. A low range of 1-5 grams is good enough to start with. Taking less than 10 capsules will give you a mild effect. For strong effect take 10-12 capsules. 

Taking Powder 

 How to take Kratom powder?

There are various ways you can consume powdered kratom. 

You can simply brew tea with kratom powder or mix it with your food. You can also take it as protein powder. 

Best way to take Kratom powder:

Because many people don’t like the taste of it, the ‘toss-and-wash’ method has become popular where you partially fill your mouth with water keeping your head tilted, put a spoonful of kratom in your mouth, and wash it down with orange juice. This is the best way to take Kratom powder as it is quick and you don’t have to worry about the precise dosage.

How much Kratom powder to take?

A kratom starting dose can be anywhere between two to four grams. A teaspoon of kratom powder is equal to three or four grams so adjust your kratom dosage teaspoon for maximum results.1 teaspoon is ideal whereas 2 teaspoons of kratom powder can give you many side effects. 

Written by Abhishek

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