
Understanding the Effects of CBD and THC

CBD is one of the most controversial products available on  the market today, but it’s also sought after by millions worldwide. While  it has numerous benefits, it is still not fully legal in most regions of the world. The reason behind this is because it’s extracted from the same plant that is used for marijuana. The cannabis, or hemp, plant has hundreds of molecules and the two main ones are CBD and THC. Since they come from the same hemp/cannabis plant, then one might think that they are somewhat the same. However, they both have different effects on the human body because they have different 3-dimensional molecular shapes. Read on to understand more about these effects and the reason behind their difference.    

What is THC?

THC is one of the many molecules in the cannabis or hemp plant. It stands for Tetrahydrocannabinol and this compound resembles or mimics the anandamide chemical that is produced in the brain. It is a psychoactive compound and it makes people high, altering communication function as it spreads through the brain and the body. THC attaches to the neurons in our brains and changes the entire process of a regular functioning body, resulting in  the intoxicating effect. It is recommended that you never drive or operate heavy machinery when you’re under the influence of THC, which is usually marijuana. It does have medical effects that can be useful when people have certain diseases, but it is often used for recreational purposes. 

What is CBD?

CBD is another molecule derived from the hemp or cannabis plant. The cannabidiol compound does not have any psychoactive effects, making it safe to use whenever you like and it doesn’t intoxicate people. This means that the neurons in the brains are not altered the same way as when it’s affected by THC. The products made from this compound vary and some compositions are organic or non-organic. Advice from the manufacturers and suppliers at suggests that pesticide-free hemp products that are made out of the cleanest ingredients make the organic compound the safest choice. If you manage to find a source of CBD that is reliable and is manufactured to the highest of standards, then it will always be a great investment. This compound can come in different forms, whether you get it as oil, edible gummy candy, extracts, gels, ointments, pills, and even vape concentrates. It doesn’t make people high and it has amazing health benefits. 

The Advantages

Both compounds have great health advantages, but the CBD molecules have a heightened effect on the health changes without the psychoactive results. The most notable benefits for CBD include pain relief, assistance in drug withdrawal phases, fighting cancer cells, and anxiety relief. Other advantages can be helping seizure patients, neuroprotective advantages for Alzheimer’s patients, anti-acne because it decreases the Sebum on the skin, and also its anti-inflammatory advantages that decrease the development of pancreas disease. The THC compound has similar advantages but it also has nausea and vomiting relief, making it great for cancer patients, it also increases the appetite, and it’s antibacterial.  Overall, the advantages and changes are the same when it comes to health benefits, but THC makes people high.

Understanding the Effects of CBD and THC

How Do the Effects Work?

The effects of both molecules differ because they attach to different receptors in the brain. The brain has two receptors called the CB1 and CB2 receptors, but only the THC compound attaches itself to these receptors to change the process and circulation of the neurons inside. The human body can produce cannabinoids too, but these two compounds amplify the effects in their own unique way. The CB1 receptors are found throughout the human body as well as the brain, but the majority of it is in the brain. Their purpose is to control the movement, coordination, emotions, mood, memories, appetite, communication, deep thinking, and a lot of other functions. When THC attaches to these receptors, they change the entire equilibrium, amplifying effects while inducing the psychoactive changes to the brain as well. 

When it comes to the CB2 receptors, their job is to control the immune system in the body. This covers pain, inflammation, and other physical functions. THC attaches to them too, with  the same effects as the CB1 receptors. However, when people use CBD instead, it does not attach itself to any receptors. It only directs the brain and the body to use more of the cannabinoids levels that are naturally produced inside the body. Without any outside interference or influence on the receptors, the user will have full control of their body and mind and not feel intoxicated at all. People can enjoy the benefits without any of the negative  intoxicating changes from using THC.   

The Side Effects

The good news is that both compounds are not fatal and no reports or evidence have proved any deaths from simply using them for recreational or medical purposes. Any deaths involved with these compounds were because of psychiatric and psychoactive results from taking too much. However, both CBD and THC have minimal concerns that you should be aware of. CBD can cause fatigue, weight loss, diarrhea, lack of appetite, and dizziness. The negative changes are mild and shouldn’t be something permanent in the body. THC can cause memory loss, dry or cottonmouth, increased heart rate, slow brain cognition, red eyes, slow reflexes or reaction times, and weak coordination levels. These negative changes are only there during the intoxication time. They go away gradually once the user sobers up.

The hype around  CBD is because of its  amazing benefits and non-intoxicating effects. Since you can’t get high from this compound, it will always grow in popularity. Things will change in the future and soon because many states and countries are already making marijuana (that has THC) legal. This will make CBD completely easy to get soon. Knowing that CBD doesn’t have any traces of THC is very appealing because people won’t have to worry about getting addicted to it. Hopefully, these differences in both compounds can educate you and let you know which product to go for and which one to avoid.  

Written by George K.

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