
What to Consider When Planning a Bachelor Party: A Comprehensive Guide

Bachelor Party

A bachelor party is always a big, blowout occasion and if you are the lucky one who has been chosen to plan it, you may be wondering where to start. For a big event like this, the group is probably very excited to get started on planning.

The best way to start is to get a general idea from the people who will be going as to what they are looking for. From there, follow these simple steps to plan the epic few days.

Have A Firm Budget

A bachelor party is the type of trip that can really break the bank if you are not careful. Because these events are usually centered around drinking, it is important to set a firm budget for the trip so that you do not end up buying rounds for every person in the bar or club.

A good way to do this is to create your itinerary and budget out approximately how much you think you will be spending each day. When the time comes, take out some cash and maybe leave the major credit cards at your accommodation so that you aren’t tempted to go over budget once you are inebriated.

Pick The Right Location

The location of the bachelor party is a huge factor and should be discussed amongst the group members. Because this is the groom’s last hurrah, he may be inclined to go somewhere with a big party scene or somewhere he has never been before. This is an excellent opportunity to visit and explore another country or even just a new city that you’ve never been to before.

Some of the hottest cities for bachelor parties right now are Las Vegas, Cancún, Dublin, and New Orleans. All of these places are known for their party scenes but in very different ways. If you are interested in one of these destinations, check out for incredible packaged deals for bachelor parties all over the world. Some locations like Cancún and parts of Spain are perfect for those who want to go to the beach by day and the club by night while other places like Dublin, Amsterdam, and Prague offer incredible pubs and unique activities.

Choose A Variety of Activities

If your bachelor party is large, it is probably going to be full of differing opinions about what they want to do. If some people like to be active, choose one activity that requires physical activity like paintball or four-wheeling. If others want to do something cultured, try a whiskey or tequila tasting or a high-end bar crawl. A more diverse set of activities will keep the groomsmen going for days.

Block Out At Least Three Days

A long weekend is the way to go when it comes to bachelor parties and if you want to extend it do it. Blocking out at least three days allows for travel mishaps, late nights, and sleeping in while still having time to do everything you want to do.

If you are traveling a great distance to get to your bachelor party, don’t include that travel time in your three days. Three days is also a perfect amount of time for people who work 9 to 5 because they will likely not be able to ask for a lot of time off, so lumping one weekday onto the weekend is the easiest option for most people. 

Choose a Great Theme

A theme, or different themes every day is a staple tradition of a bachelor party. The theme should include costumes, trivia, and maybe even specialty cocktails related to whatever theme is chosen.

These can range from the groom’s favorite movies to TV shows to historical periods. The more creative the better. A fun way to keep it exciting is to create the themes according to the groom’s interests but don’t tell the groom the themes until the day of. Then he will be totally surprised and have to wear a crazy costume picked out by his groomsmen.

This takes the bachelor party up a notch and everyone on the street loves to gawk as a group of grown men galavant by wearing ridiculous costumes. 

What to Consider When Planning a Bachelor Party: A Comprehensive Guide

Now that you’ve got this comprehensive guide on how to plan a great bachelor party, it is time to get on the internet and start planning. Between accommodations, locations, activities, and themes, there are a lot of things on this list to keep you, the groom, and the rest of the groomsmen busy on your unforgettable bachelor party weekend. 

Written by Mia

Hey Everyone! This is Mia Shannon from Taxes. I'm 28 years old a professional blogger and writer. I've been blogging and writing for 10 years. Here I talk about various topics such as Fashion, Beauty, Health & Fitness, Lifestyle, and Home Hacks, etc. Read my latest stories.

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