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Why A Holistic Approach Is Best For Dealing With Substance Abuse Problems

When someone has a substance abuse problem, you will want to get them the best treatment possible to aid them in their recovery. However, there are a lot of therapies that only treat the physical addiction, which can often mean that the patient will have a relapse and struggle to overcome their addiction, no matter what. There are treatment and addiction centres that take a holistic approach, which has shown to have some excellent results. 

If someone you love is suffering from addiction, below are some of the reasons you will want them to receive holistic treatment which will give them the best chance of making a full recovery.

A Unique Treatment

One of the best ways to approach substance abuse rehabilitation programs is to tailor a program for specific individuals, as everybody is different and has their own triggers which can start a relapse. Creating a custom-made program for your loved one will give them the best chance to recover and help them to stay clean as well when they leave the rehabilitation program. 

What Makes Up The Treatment?

Each treatment centre has a unique way of treating their patients, but they will use similar techniques which have been proven to work when used holistically for substance abuse. Some of the best techniques they use are as follows:

  • Counselling – Counselling is a significant part of all addiction programs and having individual sessions can help get to the bottom of the root causes of their addiction. It can also highlight things that trigger the behaviour of the addict to turn towards abusing substances. 
  • Group Therapy – As well as having individual counselling, group therapy is another excellent way of treating addiction. The patient can tell their story and listen to others where they can see the similarities, and it is also a way for patients to encourage each other to make their sobriety permanent. 
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) – CBT focuses on the thought patterns of the patient and can help to change the way they think and eliminate the behaviour which leads them to take substances. 
  • Experiential Therapy – Experiential therapy looks at unconscious feelings and any underlying issues that the patient may have, which sometimes they are aware of and sometimes not. 
  • Family Therapy – It is also an excellent idea to offer family therapy, as substance abuse can affect everyone in the family, even if they are not the addict. It is a way for the patient to understand how their actions affect their loved ones, and why the patient does what they do.
  • Dialectic Behavioural Therapy (DBT) – DBT looks at the thoughts & feelings of a patient and how they interact with the people that are around them.  The therapy also looks at how the thoughts and feelings of the patient can affect the lives of everyone.

There is much more to treating addiction other than going cold turkey before letting the patient go again. Without treating the underlying issues holistically, they are most likely going to repeat their mistakes and behaviours.

Written by Jordan

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