Believe it or not Jessica Vanessa works as a professional twerker.
She claims she earns up to a million dollars a year shaking her booty.
The 22-year-old social media star captivates audiences from around the world with her hypnotic gyrating derriere.
Jessica used to earn a modest salary working as a teaching assistant in Florida.
But she soon quit her job after advertisers discovered her sexy dance moves through her Vine videos.
Huge companies offer to pay Jessica large amounts of money in exchange for her mentioning their products to her more than one million followers.
For Jessica quitting her career as a teacher was a simple matter of doing the math.
Jessica says: ‘What I make in six seconds would take me four months to make as a teaching assistant.’
“It’s definitely a blessing. I bought a new car, paid it off in full and I was able to get out of debt from the school that I graduated from.’
Jessica says she has her loyal followers to thank for her new lucrative career.

‘It’s quite simple really, the more followers you get, the more advertisers want to pay you for mentioning their products – and I’ve got lots.’
Jessica describes herself as a “normal everyday girl” from Florida before her first viral Vine put her on the road to social media stardom.
Jessica mixes comedy skits along with her twerking videos to keep her millions of fans entertained.
‘Quitting my job was definitely a risk because I knew once I quit there was no turning back. Either I make money doing these videos or I’m going to be broke and jobless.’
Jessica appears confident and bubbly in her videos but the 22-year-old admits that she was once quite shy and hated dancing in front of other people.
‘When I was younger I was very shy and I didn’t like dancing in front of anybody.’
‘Then I kind of fell in with a different crowd and got more confident. By the time I hit high school I was definitely a party girl.’
Despite seeming like she has the perfect life Jessica confesses that she has found some aspects of her fame difficult to cope with.
‘I do get plenty of rude and mean comments. I’ve even had two breakdowns over them – where I have literally locked myself in my room and considered taking down all of my social media accounts.’
‘I’m not a celebrity but I do get a taste of what they have to go through – I have strangers calling me a whore, people calling me fat, people calling me ugly, people saying just about any mean thing you could say.’
Jessica says that her sexualised dancing attracts a lot of misconceptions and causes people to make assumptions about her. ‘People like to define you as a whore for twerking but it’s just a type of dance, that’s it, if people were open-minded they would understand that.’
Thankfully Jessica has found strength from the support of her family who have overcome their own prejudices about twerking. ‘They’re very open-minded people – they don’t look at it in any type of sexual way, they don’t look at it as degrading, they’re very supporting.
‘I would have no problem showing my grandmother my twerking videos – she is wild and crazy and would probably want to join in with me.’