Do you wax them, thread them, pluck them or leave them?
Yes, I’m talking about your eyebrows!
But did you know that you can learn a lot about someone by the way they choose to shape their brows?
Arched Eyebrows

If you choose to have arched eyebrows you’re probably a perfectionist.
Some may say this is a bad trait, but you’re always immaculately dressed and know exactly where you’re going in life.
People with arched eyebrows also tend to have a creative side too! This can be anything from music to fashion.
Straight Eyebrows

If you have naturally straight eyebrows, like actress Natalie Portman you tend to be an extremely reliable person.
You’re also likely to be a great friend and very popular.
Another trait people with straight eyebrows share is their great ability to think logically and be rational.
You are also likely to be a great multi-tasker.
Upward Slant Eyebrows

If your eyebrows have a naturally upward slant you have a competitive edge.
You love a challenge and would make a great boss or entrepreneur.
You have an impeccable work ethic and always put in 110%
Downward Slant Eyebrows

If your eyebrow naturally drops down, you tend to be more sensible.
You’re not self-obsessed and generally think of others first.
At the same time you hate it when people take your kindness for weakness.
You don’t give to receive, but you like to feel appreciated.
Curved Eyebrows

Curved eyebrows also indicate you have a balanced personality type.
Like Beyonce you have a natural warmth that radiates off you.
You are also totally trustworthy and comfortable in your own skin.
Bold Brows

If you have bold brows like Cara Delevingne it means you are forward-thinking and assertive.
You most likely have a ton of self-confidence and are very decisive.
Thin Brows

If you have naturally thin brows like Taylor Swift it means that you like to get input from others before moving forward with plans.
You like to have reassurance and surround yourself with friends who lift you up.
You carefully visualize how situations might play themselves out and are always cautiously optimistic.
What eyebrow shape are you?