Kim Kardashian gets a lot of stick. Sometimes deserved, sometimes not.
But her generosity and kind heart in this case has to be highly commended.
The reality star has enlisted her legal team to help in the case of Cyntoia Brown. Cyntoia is a former child sex slave who killed her abuser when she was 16.
Brown’s case went viral last week when it emerged she had already served 13 years of a life sentence.
The Keeping Up With The Kardashians star has been vocal in her disgust at Brown’s case.
The 33-year-old has instructed her lawyer Shawn Holley to help free Cyntoia. As well as the case of Alice Johnson’s, another prison inmate whose case has gone viral.
Johnson, is a 62-year-old grandmother and former FedEx worker.
She is 21 years into a life sentence for her first-time, nonviolent drug conviction, where she acted as a messenger between drugs rings.
‘Kim asked me several weeks ago how she could help Alice Johnson in her fight for justice. We then began corresponding with Alice and her team of lawyers,’ Holley told the Daily News.
‘Since then, Kim has championed the cause of Cyntoia Brown and asked me to help her get involved in that effort as well,’ Holley said on Thursday.
When Cyntoia was just 16-year-old she was sex trafficked by a pimp named Kutthroat.
The monster physically, sexually and verbally abused her. He eventually sold her to 43-year-old Nashville realtor Johnny Allen, a court heard during her trial in 2004.

Cyntoia feared that former Army sharp shooter Allen planned to kill her. So she grabbed one of her captor’s guns and killed him.
But when the case came to court, she was sentenced to life in prison, after prosecutors claimed the murder was motivated by money.
Cyntoia won’t be eligible for parole for at least 51 years.
The case is getting new attention after a tweet showing Cyntoia in court with the hashtag #FreeCyntoiaBrown, went viral last Monday.
Celebrities beyond Kardashian began using their fame to call for Justice for Brown.
Kardashian tweeted: ‘The system has failed. It’s heart breaking to see a young girl sex trafficked then when she has the courage to fight back is jailed for life!’
‘We have to do better & do what’s right. I’ve called my attorneys yesterday to see what can be done to fix this. #FreeCyntoiaBrown’.