
MMA Fighter, Conor McGregor Reveals He and His Family Have Been Struck Down By Deadly Australian Flu

Conor McGregor might be the current Ultimate Fighting Championship lightweight champion and former featherweight champion but even he is not immune from disease.

At twenty-nine, Conor McGregor is probably the biggest fighter Ultimate Fighting Championship has ever produced.

The Irishman has competed as a competed as a welterweight in mixed martial arts (MMA), and light middleweight in boxing and is the only fighter be a champion in two UFC divisions simultaneously.

He did this by defeating former featherweight champion José Aldo at UFC 194 in 13 seconds in the fastest UFC title fight victory, and former lightweight champion Eddie Alvarez at UFC 205.

The fighter is also 2nd on the UFC’s pound for pound ranking and is also the biggest pay-per-view draw in mixed martial arts history.

It was therefore somewhat comical and adorable to see the Ultimate Fighting Champion laid up in bed after contacting the flu.

The twenty-nine-year-old mixed martial arts champion announced the news via a video on his Instagram in which he said himself and half his family have the flu.

He wrote,

‘Well, that was a wild New Year’s Eve. Half the family hit with the Australian flu virus and some even left in hospital with it. I’ve never even been to Australia wtf’.

The MMA fighter and boxer said that he had been left shaken by the illness, which has affected people across Ireland over the festive period.

He further wrote,

‘New Year’s Eve party canceled at the last minute and I am left shaking in bed the past two days. I’ll leave that with the rest of the bad behind me in 2017 and take with me the many great experiences I’ve had this year! None greater than the birth of my son Conor Jr and the continued support of my family, my friends and my dedicated staff through thick and thin.’

Hundreds have fallen prey to the deadly Australian flu which could be the worst seen in Britain in 50 years.

The deadly disease has also claimed some lives in Ireland, leaving medical authorities fearing the worst.

Some A&E units in Australia had ‘standing room only’ after being swamped by more than 100,000 cases of the H3N2 strain.

With the high toll of infected people in Australia,  health experts at Nottingham Trent University had already predicted that the disease would cross the border into Great Britain.

Professor Robert Dingwall of the prestigious university was quoted as saying,

‘There is no point in trying to close the borders. It’s almost inevitable this will come to us. This is potentially the worst winter since the Hong Kong flu outbreak of 1968. Lots of people have been very badly affected in Australia and whilst their mortality rates are not out yet we suspect this is a more severe strain than most other years.’

MMA Fighter, Conor McGregor Reveals He and His Family Have Been Struck Down By Deadly Australian Flu

Statistics obtained from reliable government agencies have shown that over a thousand people have been struck down with the flu.

Temperate levels have also descended an unprecedented 156 percent over the last seven days.

Although the number of flu-related deaths recorded in Ireland so far is under 10, 73 people have been hospitalized and the Irish Health Service Executive is urging people to get vaccinated.

Written by Evelyn Smith

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