Every new mom looks forward to their first baby scan.
It was no different for Iyanna Carrington, 17, from Richmond, Virginia.
The mother-to-be was ecstatic during her 24-week gender scan when the midwife told her she was having a girl.
But Iyanna was left taken aback when her daughter looked at the camera and grinned.

Iyanna’s says she was left “scared” as she saw her baby girl’s creepy smile along with her wide open eyes.
The midwife eased Iyanna’s concerns and confirmed her daughter’s “demon-like face “was completely normal.
So much so, Iyanna soon saw the funny side of it and shared the unusual scan picture on social media. Declaring to her followers that she “loved her devil baby so much already.”

“I’d never seen anything like it. I was going to see whether she was a boy or girl,” Iyanna said.
“They showed her face and she looked normal. Then the nurse confirmed she was girl, but I knew that deep down already.”
“Then they put it back on her face and she was just looking right at me like that.”
‘I said ‘she looks like a ghost’ in the doctor’s office and the doctor said ‘yeah, that’s very [normal.]” She looked a bit crazy.”
“Most babies hide from the camera. She looked towards straight at me and she scared me a bit because the room was dark.”

The teen is now celebrating her miracle baby with the baby’s dad, Raleek.
“I don’t know why she looked like that. Some people from the internet thought she was fake, but that’s my real life baby there.”
“The dad was there too. He was shocked by the news that she was a girl, because he has two sons and he thought it would going to be another boy.”
“We were just laughing at the scan. You can see her little nose on [the other image]. You can tell she’s beautiful really.”