One of the most popular breeds of dogs is poodles. But why are poodles so popular? Well, there are a few reasons for this. Poodles have been shown to be one of the smartest breeds on average and they also make great family pets because they don’t shed as much as other dog breeds do. They’re also very easy to train!
1. Poodles are one of the oldest breeds in existence
First and foremost, poodles are one of the oldest breeds in existence. They have been around for a very long time and they were originally bred to assist hunters with duck retrieval, poodle scenting ability being so strong that it could purportedly smell underwater if necessary!
Second, poodles come in such a wide variety of sizes like standard poodles which can be up to 75 pounds, or even toy poodles which only weigh about 11 pounds on average. There really is something out there for everyone when it comes to this breed because size does not matter as much since you will find dogs ranging from extra small all the way up to super large poodle sizes too.
Additionally, poodles make excellent family pets and companions due largely in part to poodle intelligence. Poodles can be trained easily and poodles are extremely obedient as well, always eager to please their owners too!
Finally, poodles have a very pleasant nature about them that tends to bring out the best in people due largely in part because poodles are such social dogs who love nothing more than spending time with family members or friends alike. If you like being active then there is no better breed of dog for your lifestyle needs either since poodles enjoy long daily walks just as much as anyone else does too.
2. Poodles come in many different sizes and colors
Not many people are aware that poodles come in different colors. Moreover, all types of Poodles are considered good family dogs – they get along well with children and other pets. Poodles of all sizes enjoy being around humans, especially the younger ones who will want to play constantly! However, poodles can be socialized since they like interaction with both people and animals alike.
They make great watchdogs as poodles bark when there is an intruder or threat nearby; however, this can also lead them to become too vocal over time if not trained properly at a young age. An older poodle may also develop a strong bond with its owner so it is important that you show affection often for best results. It’s recommended that owners have experience in poodle training prior to bringing them home.
3. Poodles are known for their intelligence
Since poodles are known for their intelligence, they can be trained to do anything that you want them to do. This makes poodles a popular breed of dog since people love pups they can train and have fun with at the same time!
4. If you’re looking for a dog that will stay by your side no matter what then the poodle is perfect!
Poodles are renowned for being extremely loyal dogs. This means that poodles will stay by your side no matter what. This can be extremely helpful if you’re looking for a dog to help keep you safe, or just make life more enjoyable and fun!
5. They were originally bred for hunting and retrieving waterfowl
What not many people know is that poodles were originally bred for hunting and retrieving waterfowl. It is believed that the poodle’s ancestors are from Germany where they would help hunters by catching the prey in the water, similar to a retriever dog now.
They have an excellent sense of smell which makes them perfect for this type of work! This nose allows poodles to sniff out bombs or drugs on airplanes as well. They can even be trained to detect cancer cells in humans!
As you see it’s not hard to see why poodle dogs make such great pets these days. The next time your family goes out looking at puppies keep poodles in mind and maybe you will want one too!

Poodles are one of the oldest breeds in existence and were originally bred for hunting and retrieving waterfowl. These days, poodles come in many different sizes and colors – from black to white! They’re also very friendly with other animals, children, and adults alike. If you want a dog that will stay by your side no matter what then the poodle is perfect!