
Practical Advice that will Help You Sail Through IB Diploma

Finally, the time has come to choose subjects for your IB Diploma!

Expectations must be high, and the pressure of what lies in the future might worry you quite a bit.

But don’t worry! Like every other phase in life, this too shall pass.

Here’s some advice to help you stay focused and ace your IB Diploma.

Have a Clear Idea of Your Areas of Interest

Subject choice is crucial for your performance in school and for your career path too. To score well in IB Diploma, you must enjoy your chosen subjects.

That’s why you need to be very clear about your areas of interest. Don’t pick subjects based on what your best friends have chosen. Also, don’t just give in to any unreasonable expectations that your parents have about your subject choice.

Make an objective assessment of your strengths and weaknesses. Understand which subjects will open the career avenues you aspire. 

Put a lot of thought before you arrive at your final decision. If required, approach an academic advisor or a career counselor.

Supplement Your Study with General Knowledge

If you want to excel in IB Diploma, you can’t afford to limit the scope of your study to course books alone. 

Make a habit of reading magazines and newspapers, listening to news broadcasts, and watching documentaries – anything that will help you gain a broader perspective. 

This habit will also keep you up to date with the current developments in the subjects of your choice. 

Brush Up Your Writing Skill

IB Diploma tests your knowledge of concepts and ability to explain your study cohesively. ToK essays have especially been included to assess how students interpret the concepts they’ve learned.

Obviously, you need above-average writing skills to come out with flying colors in your ToK essay. 

If you’re not confident in your writing, don’t hesitate to take help from experts for perfecting your ToK essay.

Engage in Group Study Sessions

Study groups, formal or informal, can help you stay focused on your studies. 

When studying in groups, students brainstorm ideas and grasp concepts thoroughly. It builds their confidence  in subjects or topics you find difficult. 

Through group study, you and your friends can go over study material and class notes together and help each other. If you become a part of a study group that meets regularly, you can also cover the topics from the classes you might have missed in school.

Understand the Examination and Evaluation Process

To score highly in IB Diploma, you should first understand the examination process and gain insight into the assessment areas.

When you understand these processes well, it becomes easier to take your performance a notch higher. You’ll focus on the scoring areas and strategize your study plan accordingly.

Go through the information provided on IBO’s website to know the finer details of your study program. 

Leverage Innovative Learning Techniques

Learning from textbooks and class notes is one way of learning. But several other learning techniques can help you pick up concepts easily and ensure that you retain the information you’ve learned.

Consider the Feynman Technique

Settle down with a notebook and pen or a whiteboard and marker. Present the concepts as if you’re explaining them to someone else. You’ll realize that you’re able to break down the information in simpler terms. And that also means you’ve understood the concepts well enough. Your goal is achieved, right?

Another technique you can use is taking up a part-time job tutoring a subject or two. As you explain the topics to other students, solve their problems, and answer their queries, you’ll gain a great deal of expertise. And of course, you’ll make some legit bucks too!


Sometimes the pressure to perform well can get more than what you can take. If you’re buckling under the pressure, don’t think twice about taking a break.

Find avenues to relieve yourself from the stress – pursue a hobby, learn a new language, play a sport, or go on a hike.

Striking a balance between life and academics when getting your diploma is vital for your mental health and peace!

Written by Mia

Hey Everyone! This is Mia Shannon from Taxes. I'm 28 years old a professional blogger and writer. I've been blogging and writing for 10 years. Here I talk about various topics such as Fashion, Beauty, Health & Fitness, Lifestyle, and Home Hacks, etc. Read my latest stories.

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