
Pregnant Mother Has Perfect Comeback To Trolls Who Called Her Belly ‘Too Black’ And ‘Nasty’

Pregnancy truly is a beautiful thing. I never thought I would miss being pregnant but I really do.

For nine months no matter what I did or where I went my little girl came with me. I felt such a sense of protection and pride over my bump.

It’s is no different for actress, model, and writer Porsche Thomas. The daughter of Real Housewives of Atlanta star Peter Thomas put a bikini photo of herself on Instagram just before giving birth to her twin boys.

Pregnant Mother Has Perfect Comeback To Trolls  Who Called Her Belly 'Too Black' And 'Nasty'

Her Instagram post read, “Getting down to the wire. Only about two weeks left for me and these boys before they make their debut.’

‘Crazy excited and totally nervous. What a way to start #2017 #35weeks #twins #babybump.’

Pregnant Mother Has Perfect Comeback To Trolls  Who Called Her Belly 'Too Black' And 'Nasty'

Even though Porsche’s was positively glowing in her pic – haters are always gonna hate.

It’s hard to understand why, but internet bullies had plenty of negative things to say about her bump.

While most of the comments were positive, a few people managed to spoil the beautiful post for everyone.

Trolls posted things like “nasty” underneath her pic and asked why her baby belly was “so black.”

Porsche who gave birth to her twins August and Berlin with husband Till H. Groß has since responded to the backlash.

When asked about the experience in an interview with BET, Porsche said, “I was baffled. I didn’t understand it because, to me, it wasn’t even a great photo of myself.’

‘It was just a photo to embrace the belly. It wasn’t that deep when I posted it.”

Pregnant Mother Has Perfect Comeback To Trolls  Who Called Her Belly 'Too Black' And 'Nasty'

She commented on the fact that baby bumps from African American women are viewed differently than those with mothers of other races. 

“We don’t really get to see Black baby bumps and when we [do], people have a negative reaction to it, for some reason, like it’s vulgar,” she explained

Pregnant Mother Has Perfect Comeback To Trolls  Who Called Her Belly 'Too Black' And 'Nasty'

Porsche also took to social media and posted an equally beautiful picture of her bump and wrote a scathing put down.

“While some of y’all been in my comments criticizing the blackness that is my belly and me during what shoulda been your holiday cheer, I been over here enjoying life, growing tiny humans, performing miracles and hopefully getting even blacker.”

Pregnant Mother Has Perfect Comeback To Trolls  Who Called Her Belly 'Too Black' And 'Nasty'

In the interview she added, “I shake everything off that’s negative. I don’t hold on to other people’s opinions that have nothing to do with me. I laugh at the ignorance. I know it exists, it’s there and it’s sad.’

Pregnant Mother Has Perfect Comeback To Trolls  Who Called Her Belly 'Too Black' And 'Nasty'
Brian To/

“We don’t really get to see black baby bumps and when we do, people have a negative reaction to it, for some reason, like it’s vulgar,” Porsche told BET.

Pregnant Mother Has Perfect Comeback To Trolls  Who Called Her Belly 'Too Black' And 'Nasty'

“I don’t hold on to other people’s opinions that have nothing to do with me. I laugh at the ignorance.

“I know it exists, it’s there and it’s sad. The fact that we’re in a Trump era made it less funny.

“But I don’t let things like that bother me. I’m pretty secure in myself.

Written by Christine Haveford

Christine loves all things cinema, and she's been that way ever since she was a little girl. In fact, she is so passionate about cinema that she decided to pursue cinematography as a full-time career, and is now pursuing film studies at the New York Film School. Originally from Florida, she is still exploring the new city, people, places, and the culture, loves the new weather, going ice skating during winters, and spending time with her fellow classmates and friends from college.

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