
Signs of Respiratory Problems You Need To Be Aware Of

If you have respiratory problems, you will show signs of breathing harder than usual. You may not be getting enough oxygen. Currently, over 25 million Americans have asthma. About 14.8 million have COPD. Respiratory problems affect a person’s competence at school or the workplace. They make it difficult to perform regular tasks. Here is a list of signs that may suggest one has respiratory problems.

 1. Stubborn Cough

If you have a cough that has persisted for a month or longer, you may have a respiratory problem. A chronic cough may be an indication of asthma, COPD, or infections. You need medical intervention as soon as possible.

If your cough is asthma-related, you will notice that it comes and goes with the seasons. It may get worse when you are exposed to harsh fragrances, chemicals, or cold air.

 Cough is the primary symptom of cough-variant asthma. You can learn more about it on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) may be characterized by coughing as well. It is a chronic inflammatory lung disease that occurs when the airflow in your lungs is obstructed. It includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. If you have COPD, the cough may bring up colored sputum. Emphysema damages the lungs’ air sacs and causes shortness of breath.

 2. Difficulty Breathing

Various respiratory illnesses may cause shortness of breath. Even though it is common to run out of breath when exercising or doing strenuous activities, it shouldn’t persist. Seek help if the shortness of breath doesn’t go away. You should not have trouble breathing when you are not exerting yourself. 

It may be an indication of coronavirus, asthma, COPD, interstitial lung disease, or pneumonia. Interstitial lung disease is a general term that refers to various lung disorders. They cause the lung tissues to scar progressively and affect your ability to breath.

Asthma may also cause your airways to swell and narrow. They may produce too much mucus and make it difficult to breath. When trying to breathe out, people with asthma may produce a whistling sound. Even though it cannot be cured, the symptoms of asthma can be managed.

 3. Coughing Up Blood

If you cough up blood, it may be coming from your respiratory tract or lungs. It is a serious problem and you should seek immediate medical attention. Common causes of coughing out blood include bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, and COPD.

 4. Lingering Chest Pain

If you have sudden, severe chest pain that does not go away, you may need to go to the ER. It may be a sign of asthma, collapsed lung, COPD, pulmonary embolism, pulmonary hypertension, or lung cancer.

You need to take chest pain seriously even if it doesn’t seem to be life-threatening. The mildest form of chest pain could be life threatening.

Chest pain may be a sign of heart attack. Treat it as a medical emergency if it is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Lightheadedness
  • Shortness of breath
  • A cold sweat
  • Nausea

You get a collapsed lung, also known as pneumothorax, when there is air between your lungs and chest wall. This build-up puts pressure on a lung making it difficult to expand when you inhale.

With a collapsed lung, you will experience pain in your chest because of the lungs’ position. You need immediate medical help.

 5. Noisy Breathing

If you are breathing noisily or wheezing, it may be a sign that you have obstructed airways. The problem needs to be addressed as soon as it occurs. Asthma is one of the main causes of noisy breathing. It inflames your airways causing them to tighten and produce more mucus. Its symptoms include wheezing and tightness in your chest.  

Signs of Respiratory Problems You Need To Be Aware Of

 6. Chronic Mucus

Your body produces mucus as a natural defense against irritants and infection. If you feel drainage in the chest or cough up phlegm, you probably have a respiratory illness and should seek immediate medical attention.

 7. Color Changes

If you have a respiratory problem, you may notice a bluish color around your mouth, on your fingernails, or in your lips.  Your skin may appear gray or pale. It is a sign that you may not be getting enough oxygen.

 8. Unusual Sweating

Even though sweating is normal, there are instances when it may be a sign of respiratory issues. If you are sweating on your head even though your skin feels cold, it may be due to a fast breathing rate.

If you suspect that you may have a respiratory issue, you need to seek medical intervention as soon as possible. Early treatment prevents the problem from getting worse.

Written by George K.

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