Of all the disgusting, low down, dirty things I’ve ever heard – this tops them all!
A sick and twisted white student bragged about rubbing used tampons on her ‘Jamaican Barbie’ black roommate’s bag.
Brianna Brochu, 18, even admitted to putting Chennel ‘Jazzy’ Rowe’s toothbrush ‘where the sun doesn’t shine’.
The girls were both freshman at the University of Hartford, Connecticut.
Brochu has been arrested for harassing Chennel ‘Jazzy’ Rowe in a campaign of abuse aimed at forcing her to move out.
The University of Hartford have confirmed that Brochu, who was on a $20,000 a year scholarship, has been expelled.

Brochu of Harwinton, Connecticut, had posted on Instagram about how she ‘finally got rid of her roommate,’ who she referred to as ‘Jamaican Barbie.’
Brochu was arrested by the West Hartford Police Department on October 28 and charged with second-degree breach of peace and third-degree criminal mischief.
But after a campaign on Twitter with the hashtag #JusticeForJazzy on November 1 the case gained national attention.
It is then West Hartford Police said that “after a review” they will be adding a charge of intimidation based on bigotry or bias, a second-degree felony.

Brochu allegedly made her roommate Jazzy’s life so uncomfortable when they were living together, she moved out.
Then in an Instagram post, Brochu told on herself, bragging about how she had successfully driven away her roommate.
‘Finally did it yo girl got rid of her roommate!! After 1 1/2 month of spitting in her coconut oil, putting moldy clam dip in her lotions, rubbing used tampons on her backpack, putting her toothbrush places where the sun doesn’t shine and so much more I can finally say goodbye Jamaican Barbie.’
Rowe found out about Brochu’s post through a friend and revealed her horror at her roommate’s actions in a Facebook video.
Rowe said she felt utterly disgusted and fears Brochu’s actions may have even made her sick.
In the Facebook video posted Monday, she describes becoming increasingly ill while living with her roommate.
‘It started with throat pain,’ she explained. ‘I thought maybe because it’s colder up here, I’m just catching a cold. After a month it got to the point where I had extreme throat pain that I couldn’t sleep, to the point where I couldn’t speak.’‘
‘I’m spending my own money that my parents give me for food and groceries, the health centre on campus is not free – in fact they’re expensive.’
In the post, Jazzy explained that her tests would come back negative. She was prescribed antibiotics by the campus doctor for the bacteria in her throat.
Rowe says she doesn’t understand why her relationship with her roommate went so sour. Rowe claims she’d tried to be nice at first, sharing her microwave and fridge with her.
‘She lives in Connecticut and she would go home every weekend. I would always feed her fish,’ Rowe said. ‘I don’t understand why, which is why I think it’s a whole racial/hate issue.’
Rowe said she was assigned her roommate at random and had been made to feel ‘unwanted’ from the start.
‘I felt like I was a ghost in my own room,’ adding that Brochu would sometimes walk into a room she was working in, ‘turn off the light and just walk out, just a whole bunch of petty disrespectful stuff.’
Rowe had already decided to move out, when she discovered the sickening Instagram posts by Brochu.

Meanwhile, Brochu claims she ‘began to lash out due to a ‘hostile environment’ caused by (Rowe’s) rude behavior, not compromising, and posting Snapchat videos of me sleeping and making fun of me snoring.’
She says she had tried to change rooms on October 11, but wasn’t allowed to.
But Brochu admitted licking her roommate’s plate, fork, spoon and wiping menstrual blood on her roommate’s backpack.
But denied the rest of the claims that she had made on her Instagram post, saying ‘anything else she bragged about on social media was a lie in an attempt to ‘appear funny.’
She also claimed she’d never meant to hurt or injure Rowe.

Hartford University has since confirmed Rowe has been arrested, adding they will ‘strictly follow our disciplinary process.’
‘We are currently in communication with the student and her family,’ they added.
Brochu was on a four-year, $20,000-per-year scholarship from the college after entering the University of Hartford Scholastic Art Scholarship contest.
In a Facebook post Rowe, who graduated from Springfield Gardens High School in New York, said she believes the attack was racially motivated.

She had criticized Hartford for their response, saying she believed if a black woman had committed the same crimes against a white woman, the reaction would have been very different.
She wrote on Instagram: ‘Colleges are known to just sweep issues that happen within the campus under the rug, making the issue disappear and not doing anything about it.
Greg Woodward, the president of University of Hartford, said in a letter seen by Heavy that he disputed claims the incident had been ‘swept under the rug.’
In a public statement, he revealed that Rowe had immediately been relocated to a safe location as soon as she reported the incident.
‘The University strictly and swiftly followed all procedural and legal processes related to this alleged event; claims to the contrary are based on misinformation.’
‘The incident has brought about accusations of racism, and I want you to know that I hear and share your anger and frustration.’
‘Acts of racism, bias, bullying, or other abusive behaviors will not be tolerated on this campus. I pledge to do everything in my power to work with our community to address related concerns together.’
Brochu, who posted her $1,000 bail, is scheduled to appear at Hartford Community Court.