A young mother has shared her testimony about the birth of her beautiful daughter who was born blind.
Baby Kensley Ayanna was born with a lump under her left eye. It was later discovered to be a rare genetic disorder called anophthalamia.
After the heartbreaking diagnosis, her parents Kiara Scott and Kyle Slaughter started a GoFundMe page. Their aim was to raise ten thousand dollars for her treatment. But kind hearted donors raised over fourteen thousand dollars for little Kensley.
Kensley’s mom says although she and her baby’s father were initially devastated by their daughter’s diagnosis, the situation has ultimately made them stronger.
Kiara instead decided to focus on the fact that her baby was alive and strong. She has also made it her mission to make sure nothing stands in her daughter’s way of progress.
Kiara wrote on social media: ‘When we found out I was having a baby girl, I was so excited and started planning her whole life out in my head. Dance schools, gymnastics, modelling etc. All cute things that little girls do. And to top it off, my best friend proposed to me, taking the next step to making our family one!’
‘Life was looking up and I couldn’t have asked for anything more. I ate all kinds of healthy foods, drank the best water, Google was life and avocado became my best friend lol. The day came on 3.15.2017 at 5:34am after having labour pains for almost two days. It was a natural and easy birth and God blessed me with a beautiful baby girl – Kensley Ayanna.’

‘But I noticed something.. it was a big lump under her left eye and her eyes were swollen. I asked the nurses and doctors I saw that day and everyone told me it would go down, not to worry about it.’
‘But I pressed on because I wanted her to open her eyes.. to see me and her dad. The next day we were hit with heart breaking news. “We didn’t find any”, is what they said to us.’
‘My heart fell to my stomach. My fiancé broken like never before. In an instant it pulled us closer together. With my mom by my side, they helped me to be STRONG. I had no other choice. It felt like a dream.’
‘My baby girl has a rare genetic disorder called Anophthalmia (born without eyes). Like what? Why me? Why her? But I soon realised what was best for her was me and what was best for me was her! Today I no longer have those questions.’
‘To meet and love someone for who they are, not what they see. To surpass all limitations and expectations. Kensley will have to work a little harder but yes, I will see to it as her mother that NOTHING stands in her way. For now my eyes are hers and I will show my daughter nothing but how to be the strongest and smartest black woman there is with all the confidence in the world! #anophthalm.’
We wish Kensley and her strong parents nothing but the best of luck!