In the past few months there has been a spike in incidents involving corrosive substances.
In England, acid attacks has more than doubled since 2012, police figures show. It is legal to purchase this strong acid that aims to destroy the victim’s looks.
However there have been growing calls for regulations to be tightened – making it harder for the attackers to get hold of.

In South Asia it is particularly common – chillingly women and children are the primary targets. The culprit is often the husband.
For any minor transgression nitric or sulfuric acid are thrown onto their faces.
This leaves them permanently disfigured, causing extreme physical and mental health issues. Some tragically end up taking their own lives.

But as the evil and callous crime grows throughout the world, brave women are standing up to their attackers.
In Agra, India, these women have founded a cafe called Sheroes’ Hangout.

Located in the same city as the Taj Mahal, women and girls who have been affected by these terrible crimes can gather in this safe space.
They can learn to receive support and try to rebuild their lives once again.

Sheroes’ Hangout was started by and for survivors of these terrifying attacks. The cafe serves food and beverages for its survivors, but it also serves as an information hub with a library.

The safe haven has a community radio station, an activism workshop, and an exhibition space where the women can display their artwork.

It also hosts music and events, where people can learn about community issues and how they can help.
To raise awareness, some of the survivors have shared the harrowing stories of their attacks and the incredible journey of survival.

Today, people come from all over the world to visit Sheroes’ Hangout.
You can and lend their support to the women on their Facebook page.