A gifted teenager has created truly terrifying and gory transformations after her love for beauty cosmetics evolved into gruesome experimentations.
Tiffany Baze from Willits, California, started playing with her mom’s make-up when she was just 12 years old has loved creating dramatic looks ever since.

The 17-year-old stumbled upon her gory hobby several years ago after playing around with fake blood and liquid latex for Halloween.
Tiffany’s talent is completely self-taught, with the aspiring make-up artist brushing up on her skills by watching YouTube videos.
She also regularly experiments with homemade materials for her original ideas.

Unfortunately, Tiffany says that when she first began posting her work on social media she received nasty comments.
But as her creations are what she loves doing most, she doesn’t let the negativity bother her.
‘Most are positive saying they thought it was real or they really like it, but occasionally there will be a few people saying some nasty things to me,’ she said.
Tiffany says: ‘I don’t mind though because I’m not a professional and I know I’m not the best but I love doing what I do.’
‘Someone once said to me, and I quote, “Why do the prettiest people do that kind of stuff? It ruins their beauty with gore” which honestly I found it a little funny because what do my looks have anything to do with my career?’
Tiffany continued: ‘Another time I was in school and a teacher told me that anyone can be a make-up artist and that it wasn’t a real career.’
‘I get a lot of mixed feelings about it. Some think it’s really cool yet some wonder why someone would ever want to do something that makes you look so gory.’
Tiffany added: ‘But anytime any person tells me they love my work makes me so happy to know that people are interested and enjoy seeing my make-up.’
Tiffany’s ingenious looks can take anywhere from 40 minutes to three hours to create, depending on the preparation required.
Tiffany says she finds the fact that she can make something look so real with prosthetics and make-up utterly mesmerizing.
In the future, Tiffany hopes that she will be able to work on film sets and big projects doing special effects make up.
The teenager is looking to pursue a full-time career as a make-up artist after finishing school saying “it is the only thing that would ever make me happy.”
The pretty teen uses everyday items to make her astonishing make-up looks. ‘I can’t afford real special effects products so I make my scar wax out of Vaseline and flour.’ Tiffany says.
Talking about her favorite creation Tiffany said: ‘Personally I really like the degloved finger – that one even freaked me out.’
‘Out of that mixture, I made the bone and a fake finger, colored it to match my skin tone and put my real finger underneath a napkin and attached the bone to the bottom of my finger.’
‘Even just looking at it, knowing that my real finger is under the napkin was freaking me out!’