You would be forgiven for thinking these pictures are a still from the next episode of The Walking Dead.
But this is actually a photoshoot celebrating a first birthday.
Baby Phoenix is seen smiling as he feasts on a bloody ‘brains’ cake.
His mom Amy Louise, from Brisbane, Australia, has been slammed online for letting her son participate in the gruesome shoot.
But behind the jaw-dropping snaps is a heartbreaking story.
After giving birth in October 2015, Amy Louise’s joy soon turned to sorrow.
Baby Phoenix didn’t have a heartbeat.
‘From the time the doctors told me my placenta had detached and there was no heartbeat, to the time they cut him out was such a whirlwind of emotion,’ she told Daily Mail Australia.
‘I remember feeling terrified but still hopeful. Even though they had said “get her down to theatre right now the baby has no heartbeat” I thought, this kind of stuff happens all the time.’
‘But when they took him out and there was no cry, my heart just sank. It wasn’t a sad feeling, it was anger.’
Amy Louise and her fiancé Gary Wilkinson were convinced their baby son had died because he wasn’t breathing.
‘I knew he was dead I knew he was gone,’ she said.
‘I was almost upset at the doctors for wasting time trying to revive him, because I thought they were getting our hopes up for nothing.’
‘In my mind I was already so numb to the whole situation I just wanted them to stop.’
‘It was awful. I just kept seeing this tiny white coffin flashing through my mind as I started to process what had just happen.’
But remarkably as Amy Louise was having a blood transfusion, she overheard a nurse cried out: ‘He’s come back!’
‘It was the longest and most awful 13 minutes of my life,’ she recalled.
Baby Phoenix was ‘brought back’ to life on Halloween on October 31.
Four days later, Amy was allowed to hold her ‘miracle zombie baby’ for the first time.
‘When I held him for the first time, the world disappeared,’ Amy recalled.
‘He was my entire world.’
Celebrating his first birthday, the mother felt following her son’s ordeal the zombie theme was right for them.
‘What better than a zombie-themed cake smash for the tiny baby boy who was pronounced dead and then miraculously came to life on Halloween,’ she said.
‘I’ve always been a really different and creative person, and I knew that I couldn’t just do a “naked baby with a blue cake in a studio” type shoot.
‘The ideas just kept flowing from there and we decided a walking dead style shoot with a gross brain cake would be a perfect shoot to showcase our emotion and our story.’
‘Plus Phoenix would have some super cool first birthday photos to share on his 21st.’
But Amy has been removed from moms Facebook groups after her ‘obscene and offensive’ images were poorly received.
‘I knew it would happen but the extent of it really shocked me,’ she said.
‘I got told I was a bad mother, that I was going to damage his mental health, that I would make him sick eating that cake off the dirt.’
‘I got called disgusting, morbid and offensive to mothers who had lost their babies.’
‘I was accused of making fun or making light of tragedy and being an insensitive person.’
‘I was told I shouldn’t joke about such horrible things and one woman even said: ‘I wish you had have lost your son because then maybe you would have known how this feels.’
‘I was then removed from two mothers groups for posting these “inappropriate and gruesome” pictures. It shocked me how savage they were after what we had been through.’
Amy has hit back at trolls, saying fellow mothers shouldn’t be so quick to judge.
‘I think trolls need to learn that their opinions don’t matter and they shouldn’t waste their energy writing their thoughts on everything they don’t like,’ Amy said.
‘Nobody cares if you’re outraged just learn to scroll past it. The world is so wrapped in cotton these days, you can’t sneeze without some mother or person being outraged about something.’
‘I’d like these “perfect mothers” to take a step back and stop judging others for their choices. They don’t affect you, so shut the hell up.’

‘Blowing someone else’s candle out doesn’t make yours shine any brighter. As the old saying goes: “If you don’t have anything nice to say, say nothing at all.’
The photographs were taken by photographer Amanda Queen. You can visit her website or Facebook.