It doesn’t matter how many times I see it. When Jack dies in Titanic I literally fall to pieces.
Remember at the end when Rose ‘dies warm in her bed an old woman’ just like Jack made her promise?
The camera pans to all the things Rose achieved. All I could think was ‘I wish Jack could have been there.’
Now, a group of savvy Australian schoolgirls have claimed they have proved how the star-crossed lovers from the 1997 blockbuster could have been together.
Abigail Wicks, Christy Zhang and Julia Damato, from Westminster School in Adelaide, used a mathematical formula to determine how it could have been.
After the ship goes down Jack and Rose clamber onto pieces of debris in the freezing cold North Atlantic Sea.
But nothing can hold their weight – accept for a floating door.
Sadly there is only room for one on the door, so Jack sacrifices his spot for Rose.
But the schoolgirls say they could have both stayed on the door. All they had to do was put their life jackets underneath it to float to safety.
‘We looked at how buoyant the door would have been, and how that would have changed if there were people on top of that,’ Abigail, 15, told The Daily Telegraph.

‘There was a lot of exploring and testing, and we had to fiddle with different buoyancies and look at what materials were realistic for that time.’
The year 10 Westminster School students took part in the National Maths Talent Quest with their Titanic discovery.
So there you have it. Jack and Rose COULD have survived if only they thought of putting their life jackets under the door.